Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ohio high school rape trial

Please make sure your children are aware of this and know the consequences of such an act
Again? Already? Yep.

CNN feels sorry for the rapists
These kids are guilty of rape. They got drunk and violated a girl. I don't care what their situation was, whether they didn't have a dad or had booze in them...they raped a girl. She can be passed out or vomiting or drunk and ready but as soon as she can't say no, you atleast need to let her sleep. Get the fuck away from her. You two boys and the rest of the crew need to be real men and either get the fuck away from her or if you are a real man make sure she is allright.
You deserve more than your sentence. It is too light. The stigma that you have to register as Sex Offenders you deserve. You are sex offenders. if not, imagine what you would do if you had not been caught. You took photos of the crime...Your douchebag friends looked the other way. You are lucky you still have testicles. When you are released, welcome to your new world. It will suck.


ohio kids thinhink it is okay to rape
maybe they can be an example to those that want their nuts cut off..

Don't ever Rape
Don't ever put yourself in that position. Don't ever get that drunk. don't ever like a drunk gurl but don't ever leave her in the street.. Don't ever drive to be cool, you could be that cool person that died that day. don't ever do something so significatnnt.If you film it. you are responsible for it.
nut bags
They should have benn strung up by their balls

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