Friday, January 11, 2013

Skyscrapers tell the tale

Chicago built the first skyscraper with steel columns. It lead to the skyscraper revolution. New York jumped on this and it built a great city. Chi'town was still a great city with the biggest skyscrapers until New York built the Twins. Fast forward to the 2000's and America is on a collapse of it's economy.
Dubai has built the tallest buildings that the world has ever seen but can't fill it's buildings with people. It has 5 of the top 10 tallest buildings and has no one to fill them. Well no shit. You ran out of money dumbasses.

China is now building some of the tallest structures in the world. They are really impressive. And they are going to be the downfall of the new China...
They don't have enough economy to fill the buildings. Let them learn the hard way.

China's company that built a 30-story building in 15 days.

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