Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Bureaucracy Science

   Take global warming as an example of why we shouldn't put so much faith into gov't. Whether you believe it to be a human calamity or not. If we just put trust into science to explore the truth. Say we funded science and they said, "Well, we can't officially conclude that the phenomenon is human oriented but it is an official trend". We could hear it from science and not have non-scientists clouding our judgement, trying to sway a vote. It would be cheaper and saner to just fund science and keep the bureaucracy out of it. Then we could forget the arguement of whodunnit and correct the problem. Maybe all we can do is acclimate to the weather. Maybe people need to migrate. The finger pointing doesn't help anything. One of the reasons gov't has gotten so big is because noone wants the finger pointed at them. Then commitees get set up and organizations erected and czars appointed. Soon nobody knows that noone is doing a damn thing about the problem but are still getting paid.

Hurricane Katrina is another reason we shouldn't put to much faith in our gov't to get things done. A dumb public also exacerbated this problem. Technology showed us that a devestating storm was most likely to hit. People that worked at the levy said that it wouldn't hold back a big hurricane. Bush was informed of this. He did nothing. The evacuation was inept. The people's effort was lethargic. The lethargic people relied on an inept gov't to save them. As per usual, God didn't tell some people to get out so ofcourse they didn't.

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