Monday, April 30, 2012

Empty Wallet University

College Shouldn't Cost So Much
Obama puts Colleges on notice for perpetually rising tuition.
higher (price) education

Students angry over pricey courses pepper-sprayed
Santa Monica College

The elderly are still paying off college loans. Was it worth it?
Seniors still in debt from college

Education and vocation isa changin'
Census graphics show a dramatic change

Fair for Everyone
US high court to consider getting rid of Affirmative Action in admitting students. Unconstitutional to give scholarships based on race. Duh!
fair scholarships for Whitey

Atheletic Scholarships
Utah pulls scholarship from kid after growth-related illness. He had an injury-plagued senior season due to growth issues. This is an issue because of Early Recruitment. Colleges are going after kids when they are 15 years old now to get a leg up on other programs. They are allowed to do that; but they are not allowed to back out.
Can refuse to give up scholarship

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Money Gap

The privileged few
Don't worry about Lindsay Lohan, she was just exhausted. She was unconscious due to working too much. You know because starlets work so much. What with having to shoot scenes for a couple weeks and clubbing everynight.
we believe you Lindsay 

So America makes a law against "dangerous" vehicles. But, don't worry, if you are loaded with money you can pay a politician so that you can skirt the "law". So now, Bill Gates gets to drive a car that other Americans are not allowed to drive.
Bill Gate's Porsche

And to help the privileged few, the stupid many will buy their used stuff.
Kardashians eBay their shit 

The rich getting richer
Congress vs Commoners
The gap betwixt the rich and the poor is getting bigger
wealthiest-americans-288-times-net worth of typical family
world's richest worth 1 trillion
America's highest paid CEOs

And Dumber
Mark Cuban felt compelled to jump in to save Dwyane Wade about being paid to play in the Olympics. Hello? You are already rich idiots. Don't play. The Olympics is not about you making money. It's about Nationalism. If you don't have it stay away.Remember college?.You didn't get paid there either. You were supposed to get smart there. Mark Cuban is just a rich asshole.
Mark Cuban not rich enough, wants to pillage Olympics

Monday, April 23, 2012

Go To Jail

Menace to Society 
Woman could be fined $600 for giving children free lunches. This country is great!

Honor student thrown in jail for truancy. Tired girl has two jobs and has to provide for her family. Way to keep the riffraff off the streets judge. A meth-addict that has a baby in her stomach that has damaged her child and could have blown herself up just got probation, but a 17 yr old honor student that works two jobs must stay in jail.
let's get this riffraff off the street
Judge needs his dick punched

Debtor Prison
Still throwing people in prison for having debt. No matter what their situation is.
Jailed for $280
Isn't our government in debt? Seems hypocritical to me. Here is an example from my great state of Illinois since we are also throwing deadbeat cancer patients in prison...
Illinois backlog of bills tops $5.5 billion 

College student left in cell 
Arrested for pot. Left in cell for 5 days without food or water. Woops, says DEA.
was an accident but the student tried to kill himself because of it

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Warning, Do-not-do, I must apologize, I'm gonna sue you Nation

It's water folks
No nutritional label is needed

Apologizing for my being
Gap pulls Manifest Destiny shirts

Do Not Do
Nissan has a commercial out where people watch (tarp) covered cars drive down the street. I'm waiting for the day when someone tries this, then sues. Or did they NEED a disclaimer in order to show this fantasy in order to protect themselves from retarded sue-happy Americans and the idiotic judges that hand out such lavish rewards for being stupid?

The coffee is hot! They already warned you. They've already been sued.
Mc D's coffee
Chicago woman asks her grandaughter to throw empty coffee cup away. 4 year old teaches grandma that 4 year olds do whatever they want. Grandma realizes that after grandaughter burns herself on new coffee that she is a stupid grandma. Sues Mc Donalds.

Sue you
Parents are ultimatily responsible for what goes into their kid's mouths. They should bitch at the schools. But, they have to be stupid to buy shit at the grocery store and get mad about what they bought. Ads always lie. Companies are just like politicians, just need you on their side till they get their mojo.
Nutella settles lawsuit

Say or do what's on your mind if you feel compelled to.
Just stop apologizing!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Don't drink the red kool-aid

Cult it up
New Age believers think "upside down" mountain is home to their salvation.
Pic de Bugarach

Norway killer of 77 professes he was doing his Christian duty when murdering people.
Norway shooter in court
Knights Templar

Church Hypocrisy
When hypocrisy is in order, the church never fails me
Church airbrushes out leader's $30K watch from photo

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Just WHY?

Tax money Garbage
Federal judge ordered taxpayer money to fund sex-reassignment surgery to a transgender inmate serving life in prison for murder.
right to adequate medical care???

Someone help me understand why America is the top importer of crude oil while our top export is oil?

Why are we doing this?
Holy Shit! Over 1,000 ex NFL players are suing the NFL for not properly protecting its players from concussions. Time for the NFL to officially become two-hand-touch. Its football girls, maybe you should have stayed in school.
Players mistakenly drafted to NFL thought they were going to play checkers
Time Magazine did a story about how the NFL is studying concussions. Here it is lawsuit abated.

Why are they ruining this beautiful place in Thailand by putting a movie theater there?
Archipelago Cinema

People just must have too much money. Live bugs crawling on them with bling.
Bug Jewelry

Navajo Nation wants to develop the Grand Canyon
Develop Grand Canyon

You give society a bad name
Man who fathered 30 kids needs a break from child support. 11 different moms, 30 years old. Hasn't broken any laws. Just is stupid. And so are the moms.
ALL lose

Rafael Davis, L.A. firefighter, fighting MMA while on Workman's Compensation. We always hear about how deadbeat these cheaters of government assistance are. Now presenting to you, a fireman.
Fireman on Worker's Comp moonlights as MMA fighter

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Government excess

                           Those Fat Cats in Washington...
                            Always wanting more Toys

Speaker John Boehner "Giving this government more revenue would be like giving a cocaine addict, who wants to quit, more cocaine."

Tax, Tax, Tax, Control
NY mayor Bloomberg thinks that banning large sodas is going to make everyone healthy. This will inturn tax the people for inspections and such. He banned certain fats and smoking. Our rulers think that if they can tell us how to live medical bills will go down while the very reason "health" costs so much is because government is in every aspect of our lives. Let us be free to choose for ourselves. This is supposed to be "The Land of the Free". Let the people that want to be healthy choose that and let the people that don't care to be healthy not be healthy. We all are smart enough to choose our own paths.  

US Gov't: We know how to waste your money
United States Postal Service raised the stamp price to 45 cents rendering 682 million 44 cent Simpsons' stamps useless amounting to a 1.2 million dollar loss. Nice.

New Stealth Boat. 1.7 billion each for this one. Looks like the Citizens Against Government Waste is unheard. Hello, Navy you already tried this one.
Stealth Ship try 2. The American Taxpayer Failure

$190 million Sea Shadow Stealth ship to be auctioned off as scrap. Good to see millions of taxpayer funded projects come to fruition once again.
Sea Shadow

If ex-Presidents make millions after their presidency, then why do our taxes still pay for their lives. That's wasteful. They have plenty, we don't.
Ex-President Welfare

Million dollar Judicial Conference in Hawaii. I realize that this court based in San Francisco has jurisdiction in Hawaii, (why?), but a trip to Hawaii is ALWAYS a vacation, not a conference. Tax dollars are not for vacations. There is a rebuttal, but given our governments track record, I'm sure there are pants on fire.
a million dollar conference, don't worry taxpayers, no recreation is on the bill, Hawaii is the Best state for learning new stuff, not watersports silly

Federal excess 
GSA has another expensive conference. Guess the American people will keep taking this robbery
GSA worker mocks gov't spending
GSA being grilled on the Hill

local government excess
Schock spending

Taking an 18 MONTH old off a flight for No Fly list.  Parents questioned. Are we fucking retarded?  Why do these people have jobs?
a baby, really?
America's 3rd largest employer?
Federal Government's Regulatory Bureaucracy ?


We may be safe because...
Homeland Security is bad at it's job, because it is a Gov't entity, Really, what is our gov't good at?

We're gettin' there
New Jersey bans smiling in Driver's License photos because it could interfere with new facial recognition software. Also, no glasses or headware...unless it is religious.
you are ID'd and watched

Administrative Subpoena subverts Warrants. Your business is no longer allowed to keep its business to itself.
We don't need no stinking warrant

Cars are being tracked by License-Plate Scanner

SWAT team receives threat, raids wrong house, damages house.
sorry, wrong house

Police didn't announc selves, bang on door, see pistol, shoot man to death...wrong man
And you thought that you didn't have Big Brother watching your every move because you don't live in a big city...small towns get military gear

30,000 drones in the next decade
here we go!
Police State
Supreme Court strip search decision
Big Brother knows what you do even if you are the most pious prudent.

CISPA = Businesses collaborate with the Government to share YOUR information
Government wanted to keep private about intruding on you

Above the Law
CIA ex spy ordered torture tapes destroyed dosen't want to be called a torturer. Sir, you are a torturer and a criminal.
criminal by definition

Friday, April 06, 2012

Better World

Good philanthropy
George Clooney is on a Philanthropist Kick. Going everywhere talking to everyone about the good of the people and planet. Wish we could all afford to do this; because we all should be doing this.
Time interview with Clooney

Kentucky man buys all of Going Out Of Business Kmart inventory and gives it all away.
Good people left

HIV/Stem Cell progress
Man is cured of AIDS. and remember when people bitched about the morals of Stem Cell Research? Stem Cell Transfusion.
I feel good

Engineered stem cells seek and destroy HIV
medical xpress

Costs add up for Honda's 118 mpg car
Honda makes an impressive electric car. However it is about twice as expensive as it's own gas version. I wonder why? After all these years industry and gov't won't give us a viable solution to oil dependency.
more info

British supercar Trident promises 200mph and 69 mpg

New car gets 3,000 mpg
It's a start. Can't carry a human and only goes 25mph. But it is a start
Cal Poly U students car experiment

Billboards greater than Trees?
Employee at Billboard Co. poisons trees for a living. Calls foul. Gets fired.
Crime by the highway

Recycle this!
Why does it make more sense to sink a ship to the bottom of the ocean than to recycle it? Pollution and loss of resources abound.
Coast Guard to sink fishing vessel