Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Progressive Society

What happened to NASA
Scientists to hold bake sale for NASA. After all the tax dollars we've spent on NASA they've finally been downsized. They are holding a Bake Sale Protest. Not much progress over many years equals public disinterest. You would think that they could have became self sustaining by now, but relying on gov't funds your whole life makes you complacent. And then it killed you.
NASA is dying
Private Sector to take over. With all the over-budgeting, it is time to put NASA to rest. Thanks for all you have done, but the rich private-sector is more able and not a bureaucracy.
Falcon doing it

Getting rid of waste? hope this plastic eating fungi does the trick

there's a novel idea

Citizen Crusaders
Molly Katchpole
Molly Katchpole is on a crusade to tell business to clean up their act and to be customer oriented

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