Saturday, March 12, 2011

so why are there rules to be a candidate?

this is a mug shot, by the way. And it is not George Ryan

The rich and elite are MORE likely to commit a crime. They know that the law will cover their asses and they have the help of the law while doing thier crimes. So, why can't past criminals that have reformed themselves run for office?

Ohhhhhhh, that is why everyone else hates our country. We do shit like this.

she is just dumb
It is a beauracacy. it has gotten tooooo big. They can't keep tabs on our taxes. it is too big. The wholw country should stop paying taxes until they can tell us where our money is GOING!!!
weiner denies weiner photo of his weiner, then admits to it. what a shock
and this douche gets Paid!!!
Edwards, Ahhhnold

does it ever end

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