Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kleptocracy and the Tax Robber Barons

let us keep alot of our federal taxes and  Congress won't have to worry about deciding who gets earmarks. County government would do that. It's much closer and easier to hold accountable.
Do we really think that since some Tea Party candidates got elected there will be no more pork?
In the last days of this congressional session the Senate is pushing for 1.27 trillion in earmarks.
Egregious waste of money at Census Bureau.
You will be receiving a Census in the mail.
Don't forget to fill out your Census.
Don't forget to fill out your Census.
Did you fill out your Census?
Thank you for your information.
So many commercials and posters everywhere. Even a Dora the Explorer campaign!!!!!!?

we need to fund everyone's education for shit that is getting sent overseas.
Are we better off then we were a generation ago


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