Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can I get a self-sufficient country

When we rely on China so much and they mess up a product that messes up a business it is our fault because China is a "newly" emerging country and doesn't know or care how to make products well. We shouldn't be getting so much stuff from this backasswards country. We should be making our own shit.
There was a question posed by one of my friend's teachers that is reverberating around the country: Do we as Americans have an obligation to spend money in the market and help our economy? I think that we have no more obligation to spend money in the market as the companies of this nation have to MAKE and sell products at a price that we are willing to buy at.

The Pork is Unneccessaryyy

The politician that i didn't elect is swaying my representatives vote because he got some good blow from some burned out activist from Massasnortiditess and joined a really loud group ...

can I get a cheap government from China?

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