Here, maybe I'll see you later
So, we send all these tax dollars to the National government and they send it back to us in projects as they see fit.
Instead of us paying for things that need to get done, such as helping a town save itself from the encroaching ocean, we rely on an inept government to do so. Instead of just going there and helping build the walls and such that is needed, we think we paid taxes so that emergency is averted. But the taxes we thought were reserved for emergencies somehow got reverted to something else entirely. A huge National government heard that 12 people in BFE wanted a little bridge and a road to go to and fro. Our money dwindles in a bureacracy. And from that bureaucracy we get price tags that balloon. So they say that the whole aforementioned town could move its 600 residents for 200 million dollars and it will take 20 years. Cut to news footage of Mexicans jumping the border
War on drugs
Have we become more sober through this war on drugs? The white-collared folks can afford to be prescribed drugs and can afford the unfortunate realities that join being high. The poor sit in jail.
I can't read it
What a surprise! Our lawmakers can't read the bills they write because they are too complicated and won't try because they are too long.
Paying for Obama to attend a Democratic fundraiser
1) Your not drawing any money or people to the fundraiser; that which will come will do so regardless.
2)Do your job-this is not a part of your job.
3)I'm not a Democrat, and my $ is not yours to go fundraising with.
1 comment:
You sound like a helplessly unpatriotic citizen. How is anything going to get done, if the government doesn't do it for us? Don't you believe in freedom? How are we the people supposed to enjoy freedom if the government doesn't make everything nice for us? You have to give up freedom in order to get freedom.
Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving your vile, unpatriotic comments ("so on and fuckforth"...very nice).
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