This is Edward R. Murrow's speech to the RTNDA in Chicago on October 15th, 1958.
In it, he told us what was happening to radio and television. He told us of the "evidence of decadence, escapism and insulation from the realities of the world" that the media provided. He later said that he had no hope that his words would produce any change in the industry, which seemed determined to destroy itself. With the "exciting and fruitful method of communication" in the hands of timid and avaricious men and the apathetic appearing public, effort may prove to be futile.
This medium was never "corrected". There are few out there still that know how to run it correctly; it's so sporadic it is too hard to find. Those that know where to find it are already on board. (Even Olbermann, who emulates Murrow, mimics him to a fault.) The medium has grown too fat to correct now and money/entertainment rule the day. Too late now, media has destroyed the society it was supposed to inform.
A candidates image and timing are more lauded than his idea or design. So the public gets nothing and seems not to care.
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