Friday, December 01, 2006

stand on my soapbox

-In Iraq, the poor are killing the poor under the influencial and the rich are ordering it while they stay unscathed. Sound familiar? It seems that the poor do take Survival of the Fittest more seriously. Numbers is an advantage, seriously. I know what people in America think of France, but, France became a great republic because the hoi polloi roused itself against the few. Somebody in this nation should be smart enough to make us a true democracy. I think that what upsets those with concern is that they don't have a voice directly. Technology is there, we just have to protect our votes from the hackers. Isn't it always that way, something good vs. assrammers ready to fuck progress? I would like to say that numbers have won a many war, but, sometimes technology trumps that. So, i revert you to Iraq, which is even trickier, because they are hardly attacking us in comparison to attacking themselves. However, they are hitting us pretty good with primative equipment. Why, because they are ruthless. Invite yourself to look up the word "ruthless". I cannot comment any further because it has been said before in this blog...
time to put your bloodroot on. (bloodroot is what the indians painted their faces with for war...
The media has called attention to tbe Bush Administrations lies. It is the American public that hasn't done enough to check the administration. People site that the media hasn't informed us while they learned thier arguements from the media. Heads are in asses...

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