you are an abomination of the human race, a dog damned decrepit monkey skeleton chili choker pepper belly. ah, turets, that's a good excuse, right?
"Do not stick me with your barb".
"Are you paying to much for the whistle?".
Nat Paine-"A price to pay for freedom - Our live, our fortunes, our sacred honor.
BFranklin-"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly." mom was right.
"What man can make, man can unmake", Frederick Douglass.
I'll get my bread by the sweat of my brow.
-Presumed Innocent-"not all human disbehavior is the result of gross defects of character. Circumstances matter, too. Temptation, some."
a supposed martyr that announces her impending doom is not A MARTYR unless she kills someone besides herself. You have to do something for your cause, which you did not. You just murdered yourself, that's all folks; you didn't change anything. You were impotent, but the world is closer to being a better place without your fanatic ass.
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