Not only are people fighting each other to get their hands on the first PS3s, but they are mostly not even buying them for themselves. Then other people are actually buying them for extraordinary amounts on Ebay. Isn't this scalping?
Now people are beating the shit out of each other to steal them.
And finally cops are murdering kids for the theft.
The shooter may get off because the jury foreman checked the wrong box. I wonder which lawyer picked this guy in the voire dire?
Too far
Man in Atlanta was handcuffed and fined for selling a subway token because it is illegal to do so. He sold it to another person who was having trouble with a malfunctioning auto token seller. Ah, the law, protecting and preserving humanity once again.
The thing that bothered me about the small plane that crashed into the Manhattan apartment building was that all you heard was the baseball player's name and his instructer. "Yankee Cory Lidle and his instructer." As if the flight instructer, Tyler Stanger, was not as important as the guy who plays a game for a job. Ahhh, society. Fuckin' news.
Take this into consideration: There are American car companies. Those companies are Chevy.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
divided we fall
-Alexander Hamilton-Federalist-
All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom determine rightly. Give, therefore, to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second.
-John Locke-The Second Treatise-
...Or else when by the miscarriages of those in authority, it is reverts to the society, and the people have the right to act as Supreme, and continue the Legislative in themselves (in new hands), or erect a new form.
-James Madison-The Federalist No.51-
The constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that each may be a check on the other
-John Stuart Mill-On Liberty-
...But when they are sure, it is not conscientiousness but cowardice to shrink from acting on their opinions, and allow doctrines which they honestly think dangerous to the welfare of mankind, either in this life or another to be scattered abroad without restraint, because other people, in less enlightened times, have persecuted opinions now believed to be true.
-James Q Wilson-Bureaucracy-
(American Paradoxical Bureaucracy)...two qualities ordinarily quite seperate: the multiplication of rules and the opportunity for access. We have a system laden with rules; elsewhere that is a sure sign that the bureaucracy is aloof from the people, distant from their concerns, preoccupied with power and privileges. We also have a system suffused with participation- councils, citizen groups, investigators, journalists, and lawyers,- elsewhere this popular involvement would be seen as evidence that the administration system is no good, inefficient and shot through with corruption and favoritism. These two traits- rules and openness- co-existing eludes many contemporary students of the subject.
-Thomas Jefferson-
"Given the choice between having a government without a press, or a press without a government, I would prefer the latter." While in office, though, he bitterly resented the press.
-Jefferson Davis-Inaugural Address 1861-
...I approach the discharge of the duties assigned to me with humble distrusting of my abilities, but with a sustaining confidence in the wisdom of those who are to guide and aid me in the administration of public affairs, and an abiding faith in the virtue and patriotism of the people... Our present political position has been achieved in a manner unprecedented in the history of nations. It illustrates the American idea that governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is a right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established. (this right is inalienable)
-No man, the radicals urged in the most American of all arguements, ought to forget what level he came from; when he does, he ought to be led back and shown the mortifying picture of originality.
-Public virtue is not so active as private love of gain.
-Rulers, the constitution makers of 1776 realized, must be conceived as creatures of the people, made for their use, accountable to them, and subject to removal as soon as they act inconsistent with the purpose for which they are formed.
As Americans, we used to seek the removal of barriers. That day is gone. Rules and license has taken over. Fullest individual expression has been retarded due to ignorance and false morals. A true young American, convinced that he-a chosen one-stood on the threshold of true greatness-would feed others of his world democratic ideals.
All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom determine rightly. Give, therefore, to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second.
-John Locke-The Second Treatise-
...Or else when by the miscarriages of those in authority, it is reverts to the society, and the people have the right to act as Supreme, and continue the Legislative in themselves (in new hands), or erect a new form.
-James Madison-The Federalist No.51-
The constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that each may be a check on the other
-John Stuart Mill-On Liberty-
...But when they are sure, it is not conscientiousness but cowardice to shrink from acting on their opinions, and allow doctrines which they honestly think dangerous to the welfare of mankind, either in this life or another to be scattered abroad without restraint, because other people, in less enlightened times, have persecuted opinions now believed to be true.
-James Q Wilson-Bureaucracy-
(American Paradoxical Bureaucracy)...two qualities ordinarily quite seperate: the multiplication of rules and the opportunity for access. We have a system laden with rules; elsewhere that is a sure sign that the bureaucracy is aloof from the people, distant from their concerns, preoccupied with power and privileges. We also have a system suffused with participation- councils, citizen groups, investigators, journalists, and lawyers,- elsewhere this popular involvement would be seen as evidence that the administration system is no good, inefficient and shot through with corruption and favoritism. These two traits- rules and openness- co-existing eludes many contemporary students of the subject.
-Thomas Jefferson-
"Given the choice between having a government without a press, or a press without a government, I would prefer the latter." While in office, though, he bitterly resented the press.
-Jefferson Davis-Inaugural Address 1861-
...I approach the discharge of the duties assigned to me with humble distrusting of my abilities, but with a sustaining confidence in the wisdom of those who are to guide and aid me in the administration of public affairs, and an abiding faith in the virtue and patriotism of the people... Our present political position has been achieved in a manner unprecedented in the history of nations. It illustrates the American idea that governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is a right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established. (this right is inalienable)
-No man, the radicals urged in the most American of all arguements, ought to forget what level he came from; when he does, he ought to be led back and shown the mortifying picture of originality.
-Public virtue is not so active as private love of gain.
-Rulers, the constitution makers of 1776 realized, must be conceived as creatures of the people, made for their use, accountable to them, and subject to removal as soon as they act inconsistent with the purpose for which they are formed.
As Americans, we used to seek the removal of barriers. That day is gone. Rules and license has taken over. Fullest individual expression has been retarded due to ignorance and false morals. A true young American, convinced that he-a chosen one-stood on the threshold of true greatness-would feed others of his world democratic ideals.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
more Big Brother

Government asleep at the switch
Much like smoking in a bar, emergency contraception handouts should be left to the owner of the establishment. If CVS says yes, then the pharmacist should oblige. If someone owns his own pharmacy, and he doesn't morally believe in the use of such, he should be able to not sell them. This should not be a force of the government. As Blagojevich wants, if the pharmacy is out of the contraceptive, it needs to suggest a suitable alternative, order it, or transfer the prescription to another pharmacy. While the big companies will do what they will, and that is to make money, an individual pharmacist should have the right to say,"If you didn't want to have a child, you should stop fucking".
Lies and misconceptions
Allusions to mushroom clouds in the build-up to the war in Iraq.
"Mission Accomplished"
Cheney: the insurgency is "in it's final throes".
McCain: "The frustration that America feels today was all too predictable because they were led to believe this could be some kind of day at the beach." If this was so predictable, couldn't have someone been more vociferous in preventing this?
The media says that we "NOW" reject the link the administration has made betwixt Iraq and the war on terror. But, many objected from the onset of the administration pushing this agenda. Many listened to the people, (Wilson, in particular) that Bush didn't listen to.
Rumsfeld: deeply troubled by the succes of the terrorist groups in manipulating the media to influence Westerners. Gee,who else does that?
In the 80's, many large cities carried urban renewal programs inwhich they put up modern apartment buildings. These buildings replaced hotels and boardinghouses that housed poor and single people, where rent was cheap. During the 70's, states and cities decided that mentally ill people would be better off in the community than in a mental facility. So, they were released, weren't ready, and became homeless.
Bail me out
Bailouts for business is the worst use of taxes. It's a business. If you fail, you failed. It is not fair for those that run a good business or struggle and come through.
tax $ for studies. Tax $ to see if being a rock star shortens your life. C'mon. Is this your science community now?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
i want some McDonalds
They are now enticing detainees at Guantanamo with movies and fast food. What a reversal of tactics. They are looking to produce vital information on terrorism, while many of the prisoners have been there for about 5 years. Their information is going to be outdated. Paul Rester, director of the Joint Intelligence Group at Gitmo insists that knowledge does not perish with time. I guess he wasn't alive during the whole case for WMDs debacle. Whose paying these assholes? oh...shit!
I am not for terrorism, but, i am also not for antagonizing weirdo fanatics: an Iraqi soldier in an interview said: "Every detainee in Iraq is detained because he poses a security threat to the government of Iraq, the people of Iraq or coalition forces." However, many detainees are released without charge and often years later. They are likely to be the ones that are pulled out of their beds during the night. Our soldiers are brainwashed;i already knew it, just looking for more vindication.
I am not for terrorism, but, i am also not for antagonizing weirdo fanatics: an Iraqi soldier in an interview said: "Every detainee in Iraq is detained because he poses a security threat to the government of Iraq, the people of Iraq or coalition forces." However, many detainees are released without charge and often years later. They are likely to be the ones that are pulled out of their beds during the night. Our soldiers are brainwashed;i already knew it, just looking for more vindication.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Land of the Mummed
The people's role in government was confined to the House of Commons; there the representatives should meet frequently and for a short time to correct the laws, returning immediatly to private life to experience the consequences of their actions along with other members of society...By thier added responsibilities, their long tenure in office and their consequent seperation from the body of the people, the members of the Commons were coming to resemble more the character of rulers than representatives of the ruled.
At one time or another almost every Whig patriot took or was given the name of an ancient republican hero. Classical references and allusions run through much of the colonists' writings; both public and private...Writing at a time when the greatest days of the Republic were crumbling, pessimistic Romans-Cicero, Sallust, Tacitus, Plutarch-contrasted the growing corruption and disorder they saw about them with an imagined earlier republican world of ordered simplicity and acadian virtue and sought continually to explain the transformation. It was as if they were speaking directly to the 18th Century American Revolutionaries.
Substantial elements of the American public are still all too ready to swallow simple slanderous slogans- "Tax and Spend Democrats"- that defeat concerted efforts to deal decisively with major national issues.
At present the Democrats are killing pork projects.
The people's role in government was confined to the House of Commons; there the representatives should meet frequently and for a short time to correct the laws, returning immediatly to private life to experience the consequences of their actions along with other members of society...By thier added responsibilities, their long tenure in office and their consequent seperation from the body of the people, the members of the Commons were coming to resemble more the character of rulers than representatives of the ruled.
At one time or another almost every Whig patriot took or was given the name of an ancient republican hero. Classical references and allusions run through much of the colonists' writings; both public and private...Writing at a time when the greatest days of the Republic were crumbling, pessimistic Romans-Cicero, Sallust, Tacitus, Plutarch-contrasted the growing corruption and disorder they saw about them with an imagined earlier republican world of ordered simplicity and acadian virtue and sought continually to explain the transformation. It was as if they were speaking directly to the 18th Century American Revolutionaries.
Substantial elements of the American public are still all too ready to swallow simple slanderous slogans- "Tax and Spend Democrats"- that defeat concerted efforts to deal decisively with major national issues.
At present the Democrats are killing pork projects.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The time hath found us
from friggin' Eisenhower: "Every gun that is made, every warship that is launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense, a theft from those those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron."
An article about Not burning the flag posed quite a Q: if i am protesting the seat belt law, and don't wear my seat belt, why am i tickited when there is a freedom of speech clause? well, sir, first of all, i totally hate and don't see the Governing qualities of the seat belt law, and don't see why we Illinoisians can't overturn it given that there is no helmut law. I never wear my seatbelt. It is my freedom to choose, though as in the land of the f'n free it's not my license to do so. So to answer a question, that noone will read, we aren't allowed to protest while breaking a law, even though we are protesting the law. We are hypocritical asses. Though,in China, they shoot us...
Creation of the American REPUBLIC-Gordon S. Wood- "The coherence and significance of the Americans is an incredible jumble of references from every conceivable time and place cumulatively, from the overriding purpose to which to which these purposes were put, the understanding of which John Adams called, 'the divine science of politics'." So, in order to understand and correct politics, we must understand and rationalize past politics and experiences, and learn from yoreland's mistakes.
the f'n Brits: politics as usual: before the Americans: (one more): politics nothing more than a perpetual battle between the passion of rulers, whether one or a few, and the united interest of the people-an opposition both inevitable and proportionable-(because in the past the rich proclaim divine right)-. Thomas Gordon, "Whatever is good for the people, is bad for their Guvna's, and what is good for the Guvna's is pernicious to the People." This is when we'll get the Whigs and a conception of a mutual contract...
An article about Not burning the flag posed quite a Q: if i am protesting the seat belt law, and don't wear my seat belt, why am i tickited when there is a freedom of speech clause? well, sir, first of all, i totally hate and don't see the Governing qualities of the seat belt law, and don't see why we Illinoisians can't overturn it given that there is no helmut law. I never wear my seatbelt. It is my freedom to choose, though as in the land of the f'n free it's not my license to do so. So to answer a question, that noone will read, we aren't allowed to protest while breaking a law, even though we are protesting the law. We are hypocritical asses. Though,in China, they shoot us...
Creation of the American REPUBLIC-Gordon S. Wood- "The coherence and significance of the Americans is an incredible jumble of references from every conceivable time and place cumulatively, from the overriding purpose to which to which these purposes were put, the understanding of which John Adams called, 'the divine science of politics'." So, in order to understand and correct politics, we must understand and rationalize past politics and experiences, and learn from yoreland's mistakes.
the f'n Brits: politics as usual: before the Americans: (one more): politics nothing more than a perpetual battle between the passion of rulers, whether one or a few, and the united interest of the people-an opposition both inevitable and proportionable-(because in the past the rich proclaim divine right)-. Thomas Gordon, "Whatever is good for the people, is bad for their Guvna's, and what is good for the Guvna's is pernicious to the People." This is when we'll get the Whigs and a conception of a mutual contract...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
change pace
you are an abomination of the human race, a dog damned decrepit monkey skeleton chili choker pepper belly. ah, turets, that's a good excuse, right?
"Do not stick me with your barb".
"Are you paying to much for the whistle?".
Nat Paine-"A price to pay for freedom - Our live, our fortunes, our sacred honor.
BFranklin-"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly." mom was right.
"What man can make, man can unmake", Frederick Douglass.
I'll get my bread by the sweat of my brow.
-Presumed Innocent-"not all human disbehavior is the result of gross defects of character. Circumstances matter, too. Temptation, some."
a supposed martyr that announces her impending doom is not A MARTYR unless she kills someone besides herself. You have to do something for your cause, which you did not. You just murdered yourself, that's all folks; you didn't change anything. You were impotent, but the world is closer to being a better place without your fanatic ass.
"Do not stick me with your barb".
"Are you paying to much for the whistle?".
Nat Paine-"A price to pay for freedom - Our live, our fortunes, our sacred honor.
BFranklin-"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly." mom was right.
"What man can make, man can unmake", Frederick Douglass.
I'll get my bread by the sweat of my brow.
-Presumed Innocent-"not all human disbehavior is the result of gross defects of character. Circumstances matter, too. Temptation, some."
a supposed martyr that announces her impending doom is not A MARTYR unless she kills someone besides herself. You have to do something for your cause, which you did not. You just murdered yourself, that's all folks; you didn't change anything. You were impotent, but the world is closer to being a better place without your fanatic ass.
stand on my soapbox
-In Iraq, the poor are killing the poor under the influencial and the rich are ordering it while they stay unscathed. Sound familiar? It seems that the poor do take Survival of the Fittest more seriously. Numbers is an advantage, seriously. I know what people in America think of France, but, France became a great republic because the hoi polloi roused itself against the few. Somebody in this nation should be smart enough to make us a true democracy. I think that what upsets those with concern is that they don't have a voice directly. Technology is there, we just have to protect our votes from the hackers. Isn't it always that way, something good vs. assrammers ready to fuck progress? I would like to say that numbers have won a many war, but, sometimes technology trumps that. So, i revert you to Iraq, which is even trickier, because they are hardly attacking us in comparison to attacking themselves. However, they are hitting us pretty good with primative equipment. Why, because they are ruthless. Invite yourself to look up the word "ruthless". I cannot comment any further because it has been said before in this blog...
time to put your bloodroot on. (bloodroot is what the indians painted their faces with for war...
The media has called attention to tbe Bush Administrations lies. It is the American public that hasn't done enough to check the administration. People site that the media hasn't informed us while they learned thier arguements from the media. Heads are in asses...
time to put your bloodroot on. (bloodroot is what the indians painted their faces with for war...
The media has called attention to tbe Bush Administrations lies. It is the American public that hasn't done enough to check the administration. People site that the media hasn't informed us while they learned thier arguements from the media. Heads are in asses...
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