Friday, May 13, 2005


try listening to an older cd while drinking, skip skip too f f f far awwwwway tttt far hhhhold...
I don't know whether i want to punt the computer, snap the cd (that's why i have no more PS2 games), or punch whatever is next to me for 20 secs. they say technology progresses, well, they can slob on nob with cds because tapes lasted so much longer, you could put them on the table without worrying about t t the m mo mo mother mother mo worrying abou mother mother with w without (slap) worrying about the motherfuckers skipping. a good thing, however, about cds is that you can steal the holy f-n rich artists songs and copy them to cd with ease.

Bush wants to land us on the moon again. Must i explain why that is not progression? i shunt. maybe he's a conspiracy theorist.

the new cars with the hybrids, the half-half, hydrogen, and the likes, they are a good idea to me. we just have to keep the gov't from making all that shit just as expensive. look, the 5oo horsepower Mustangs and such won't phase out in our lifetime and I'm not advocating that they should (what would i drive) but getting more mileage while making this world less polluted and our country less dependant on manipulative, dependant countries is, oh how should i say uh, SMART. ..

ah, yes, technology, I just spent 8 hours trying to get a political cartoon off the internet and it was one that was in the papers. I swear the world would be better simpliar.


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