* Should the police be allowed to break the law?
I mean, should they be allowed to sell you pot just to arrest. Can they pose as hookers, entice you to race them in their undercover cars...
It seems to me that they aren't progressing on anything but the creation of crime.
* Seatbelts should not be required by law.
Rape victims should be allowed to abort a child.
Littering the Earth is illegal for citizens, however, NASA is allowed to litter space.
*I think it's about time that we hire someone to follow around our mayors and such. They could have it done to us, with our lowly jobs. Some of us elected him but most don't trust him. If he does something illegal, it is usually significant, but this elected official has the easiest time getting off saying that what he did was wrong but not criminal. Legalize pot and i'll think about not serving your head mayor Howard. dick.
*With so much disregard for human life in this world, I can't believe people question the good intentions of stem cell research. Now what scientists want is the right to use eggs from fertility clinics that would otherwise be discarded! Why have i not heard of this before!? So, these clinics have been discarding life for so long and i don't hear about it until the enlightened bunch (scientists), want to do the same as society-discard human life. And here we let the Koreans run away with something important as this is and they now have the right to brag. Not that the Koreans couldn't beat us with our gov't involved, but we didn't really get a chance.
Bush is a religious fool; he hates science. There is no way he can fathom science, so he believes it to be untrue and unethical.
Don't understand me incorrectly, however, I don't believe it is the government's job to fund this, but there are many things the gov't is involved in that I'm against, so funding this would please me. I think science should take care of it's own but the gov't always buts in because it is the gov't, so I think they should back our brightest ideas, i mean, it is the reason we youngin's listen to you foggies and go to school and have aspirations.
Come on, abortion is legal.
do you take drug tests? Atheletes in school have to. Matheletes don't. Some gas station attendents, floor sweepers at CAT, watch fixers have to. What about teachers, journalists, pigs (oh i mean police officers), judges, presidents of say oh the U.S.? no. how is it that the people that have to deal with life's problems without money are expected not to smoke pot when those that have beat life's problems have no problem getting away with it?
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