Monday, May 30, 2005
on this memorial day,
I will not remember any army protecting my freedom. Don't get me wrong, for I am not old enough to remember the World Wars. But the Vietnam didn't save my freedom, Kosovo, Balkan, Iraq, come on people, it isn't about our freedom anymore. It's about the gov't's freedom to do as they choose. and they do as they choose, do they not? Our leaders are working on freedom for others while we cannot get it straight here. We have so many internal problems, (free trade, abortion, guns, border, how to elect certain officials, drugs & drugs, kids shooting kids & adults killing and fucking children......), but we're willing to kill our own and murder lots of innocents in order to outsource our perfect republic. OOPS! I'm sorry, I meant democracy, i mean police state, like the one that makes you where a seat belt, but no need for a helmut on a motorcycle, or a parachute on an airplane. Or where they finally crack down on Enron's high-mucketies but the Fat Cats of the greatest military had no idea what kind of interrogation efforts were being used by their Scapegoats, i mean soldiers. And many of these soldiers think they have the right to tell us non-murdering-citizens how to treat our gov't,(read the paper), but the Gov't is Supposed to be under WE THE PEOPLE'S control. Perhaps the Shot Callers don't read history books. Remember when Hitler forgot to read that Napolean got his ass kicked in Russia because of their sly tactics and elicit weather,and then Hitler got the same hand dealt. I hope the lessons make thier way known here in America in my lifetime. I've got answers, although all I'll probably say is Ha Ha...
Monday, May 23, 2005
Dumbya BUSH

*quote from USA today- "Bush has threatened a veto, (on stem cell research), saying he will not use taxpayer money to 'promote science which destroys life in order to save life'."
Oh, OK. But you will start a war that murders people in order to (manipulate) preserve American life. Mine eyes can see the folly of the Bush's White House...
Did everyone in this country forget that Dick, Bush, and Colon lied about the Iraqis, and that they don't have WMD's, that there were no insurgents until we arrived, that they financed al-Q as little as the United States Of America did, that many other countries that we are sycophantic to helps terrorism much more, oh yeah there is a war in Afghanistan on terrorism, and that we have the best war "machine" in the world an' that we could run all over the world and pick people off like ticks.
Bush: "You can run, but you can't hide." He said this to Kerry during the campaign. He also said this to Osama 'fore the war in Afghanistan. Yah, where is he then George? I suspect he has said this to Laura. He has also said, "Well, he isn't leading any parades. He's hiding." Well, no shit he's hiding. And they're having parades in bin Laden's honor nearly everyday.
"See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction." GwB Oct. 3, 2003. oh yeah, what about nuclear weapons, read history books, dumbass; and recollect your tenure. Holy fuck, i can't believe he is sooo dumb...
Do you think it would be so hard to get a president in office that could answer a question that he didn't know about beforehand? Isn't the president supposed to be exceptional? Before Tony Blair got re-elected he sat in front of about 40 people and TV cameras and they laid into him, gave'm a good rogerin'. And he was articulate. His opponents went through the same thing. Bob Dylan could handle an interview better than Bush.
Bush surprised at seeing Iraqi citizens, who ought to be grateful beneficiaries of the our occuliberation, demonstrating in support of Hezbollah. Well, at least he acknowledges it-that's unBushlike. Why would they oppose us? Could it be that over 3k civilian deaths in one month mean what we are doing there is not working?
Bush: "What's very interesting about the violence in Lebanon and the violence in Iraq and the violence in Gaza is this: These are all groups of terrorists who are trying to stop the advance of democracy." Bush sure doesn't choose his words very wisely. He has to know that Hezbollah and Hamas both participate in democratically elected governments. The U.S. backed president of Iraq, Talabani (nice name by the way, Talaban I), can't keep his own party from denouncing and slaughtering-al-Sadr. Talabani has also praised Hezbollah and denounced Isreal.
Democracy doesn't seem to be the medicine to cure terrorism. I'm sure Bush will never get that. Will we get new leadership in '08 that will think outside that box? Always being steadfast in your interests is not a good quality in a president. Some things you need to be stuborn with, but seeing the chaos you caused, you need to be like Gumby. This mess is going to last until it is someone else's problem. I hope we still hold GWB accountable. The last election forced Bush to recognize something has to change and he admitted to some past mistakes, (i.e. Iraq/Sept.11; no WMDs).
The Repubs chastised and insisted Kerry apoligize to the troops for his comment on education and direction. They misconstrued his words and recontexed his words to make him look like he was insulting them while he himself is a veteran. Then the candidate with no backbone did apoligize.
Where was this outcry when Bush made a video of himself looking in the oval office for WMDs?
Nowhere but Keith Olberman's office it seems...
Ann Coulter- I cannot believe that not every human being on this planet cannot agree that this bitch is RETARDED.
Anybody read that Coulter is refusing to cooperate in an investigation of whether she voted in the wrong precinct. The article states that knowingly voting in the wrong precinct is a felony punishable by up to five years. I wonder if she'll get off on a technicallity, the one where she's brainwashed and stupid and she really didn't know where her precinct was. Maybe it moved, maybe she moved and forgot.
Anybody read that Coulter is refusing to cooperate in an investigation of whether she voted in the wrong precinct. The article states that knowingly voting in the wrong precinct is a felony punishable by up to five years. I wonder if she'll get off on a technicallity, the one where she's brainwashed and stupid and she really didn't know where her precinct was. Maybe it moved, maybe she moved and forgot.
when you shoot your sister, on accident, you still must be punished for the future of us all. for example, your career is now going around the country talking about gun safety to school kids.
And when you take your 8 yr old hunting, and give him a gun, and then he shoots you, say to yourself, " I deserved that for being stupid." Here's your sign.
why is marijuana illegal? why are all these pills that companies make, that we don't know the ingredients to, that kill people, that people abuse, that make people rich and greedy, that isn't natural, has to be manufactured and regulated, legal? We can't just stick with nature. We are lazy and unintuitive. We need society to make up jobs for us and we keep their pockets full by complying. Why waste a bunch of smart people's time by trying to find a cure for symptoms that nature has had all along.
And when you take your 8 yr old hunting, and give him a gun, and then he shoots you, say to yourself, " I deserved that for being stupid." Here's your sign.
why is marijuana illegal? why are all these pills that companies make, that we don't know the ingredients to, that kill people, that people abuse, that make people rich and greedy, that isn't natural, has to be manufactured and regulated, legal? We can't just stick with nature. We are lazy and unintuitive. We need society to make up jobs for us and we keep their pockets full by complying. Why waste a bunch of smart people's time by trying to find a cure for symptoms that nature has had all along.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
sick bird-my opinion
* Should the police be allowed to break the law?
I mean, should they be allowed to sell you pot just to arrest. Can they pose as hookers, entice you to race them in their undercover cars...
It seems to me that they aren't progressing on anything but the creation of crime.
* Seatbelts should not be required by law.
Rape victims should be allowed to abort a child.
Littering the Earth is illegal for citizens, however, NASA is allowed to litter space.
*I think it's about time that we hire someone to follow around our mayors and such. They could have it done to us, with our lowly jobs. Some of us elected him but most don't trust him. If he does something illegal, it is usually significant, but this elected official has the easiest time getting off saying that what he did was wrong but not criminal. Legalize pot and i'll think about not serving your head mayor Howard. dick.
*With so much disregard for human life in this world, I can't believe people question the good intentions of stem cell research. Now what scientists want is the right to use eggs from fertility clinics that would otherwise be discarded! Why have i not heard of this before!? So, these clinics have been discarding life for so long and i don't hear about it until the enlightened bunch (scientists), want to do the same as society-discard human life. And here we let the Koreans run away with something important as this is and they now have the right to brag. Not that the Koreans couldn't beat us with our gov't involved, but we didn't really get a chance.
Bush is a religious fool; he hates science. There is no way he can fathom science, so he believes it to be untrue and unethical.
Don't understand me incorrectly, however, I don't believe it is the government's job to fund this, but there are many things the gov't is involved in that I'm against, so funding this would please me. I think science should take care of it's own but the gov't always buts in because it is the gov't, so I think they should back our brightest ideas, i mean, it is the reason we youngin's listen to you foggies and go to school and have aspirations.
Come on, abortion is legal.
do you take drug tests? Atheletes in school have to. Matheletes don't. Some gas station attendents, floor sweepers at CAT, watch fixers have to. What about teachers, journalists, pigs (oh i mean police officers), judges, presidents of say oh the U.S.? no. how is it that the people that have to deal with life's problems without money are expected not to smoke pot when those that have beat life's problems have no problem getting away with it?
I mean, should they be allowed to sell you pot just to arrest. Can they pose as hookers, entice you to race them in their undercover cars...
It seems to me that they aren't progressing on anything but the creation of crime.
* Seatbelts should not be required by law.
Rape victims should be allowed to abort a child.
Littering the Earth is illegal for citizens, however, NASA is allowed to litter space.
*I think it's about time that we hire someone to follow around our mayors and such. They could have it done to us, with our lowly jobs. Some of us elected him but most don't trust him. If he does something illegal, it is usually significant, but this elected official has the easiest time getting off saying that what he did was wrong but not criminal. Legalize pot and i'll think about not serving your head mayor Howard. dick.
*With so much disregard for human life in this world, I can't believe people question the good intentions of stem cell research. Now what scientists want is the right to use eggs from fertility clinics that would otherwise be discarded! Why have i not heard of this before!? So, these clinics have been discarding life for so long and i don't hear about it until the enlightened bunch (scientists), want to do the same as society-discard human life. And here we let the Koreans run away with something important as this is and they now have the right to brag. Not that the Koreans couldn't beat us with our gov't involved, but we didn't really get a chance.
Bush is a religious fool; he hates science. There is no way he can fathom science, so he believes it to be untrue and unethical.
Don't understand me incorrectly, however, I don't believe it is the government's job to fund this, but there are many things the gov't is involved in that I'm against, so funding this would please me. I think science should take care of it's own but the gov't always buts in because it is the gov't, so I think they should back our brightest ideas, i mean, it is the reason we youngin's listen to you foggies and go to school and have aspirations.
Come on, abortion is legal.
do you take drug tests? Atheletes in school have to. Matheletes don't. Some gas station attendents, floor sweepers at CAT, watch fixers have to. What about teachers, journalists, pigs (oh i mean police officers), judges, presidents of say oh the U.S.? no. how is it that the people that have to deal with life's problems without money are expected not to smoke pot when those that have beat life's problems have no problem getting away with it?
Friday, May 13, 2005
try listening to an older cd while drinking, skip skip too f f f far awwwwway tttt far hhhhold...
I don't know whether i want to punt the computer, snap the cd (that's why i have no more PS2 games), or punch whatever is next to me for 20 secs. they say technology progresses, well, they can slob on nob with cds because tapes lasted so much longer, you could put them on the table without worrying about t t the m mo mo mother mother mo worrying abou mother mother with w without (slap) worrying about the motherfuckers skipping. a good thing, however, about cds is that you can steal the holy f-n rich artists songs and copy them to cd with ease.
Bush wants to land us on the moon again. Must i explain why that is not progression? i shunt. maybe he's a conspiracy theorist.
the new cars with the hybrids, the half-half, hydrogen, and the likes, they are a good idea to me. we just have to keep the gov't from making all that shit just as expensive. look, the 5oo horsepower Mustangs and such won't phase out in our lifetime and I'm not advocating that they should (what would i drive) but getting more mileage while making this world less polluted and our country less dependant on manipulative, dependant countries is, oh how should i say uh, SMART. ..
ah, yes, technology, I just spent 8 hours trying to get a political cartoon off the internet and it was one that was in the papers. I swear the world would be better simpliar.
I don't know whether i want to punt the computer, snap the cd (that's why i have no more PS2 games), or punch whatever is next to me for 20 secs. they say technology progresses, well, they can slob on nob with cds because tapes lasted so much longer, you could put them on the table without worrying about t t the m mo mo mother mother mo worrying abou mother mother with w without (slap) worrying about the motherfuckers skipping. a good thing, however, about cds is that you can steal the holy f-n rich artists songs and copy them to cd with ease.
Bush wants to land us on the moon again. Must i explain why that is not progression? i shunt. maybe he's a conspiracy theorist.
the new cars with the hybrids, the half-half, hydrogen, and the likes, they are a good idea to me. we just have to keep the gov't from making all that shit just as expensive. look, the 5oo horsepower Mustangs and such won't phase out in our lifetime and I'm not advocating that they should (what would i drive) but getting more mileage while making this world less polluted and our country less dependant on manipulative, dependant countries is, oh how should i say uh, SMART. ..
ah, yes, technology, I just spent 8 hours trying to get a political cartoon off the internet and it was one that was in the papers. I swear the world would be better simpliar.
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