Monday, July 25, 2005

Gov't works

Oh, by the way I just woke up, I have a hangover, and I've done nothing in the past weed, I mean week. This is the container I ate my Fruit Loops out of this morning. ( actually, this is exactly what he purports it to be, it just Isn't Of Any Fucking Significance To Any Of Us That Gives A Fuck About Who Killed Our Children, Nieghbors, Family, Or Friends. But, thanks for showing us the tupperware of the bomb that was carried by a guy that was of the faction of the idea. That evil tupperware.

should we let states be, (atleast), more soverign? Let the gays get married here? Let stem cell research flourish here? Let gun bearers live on the border?...

Mistake may cost U.S. $7 billion
An error has allowed oil and gas companies to avoid paying federal royalties on hundreds of offshore leases issued in the late 90's, official says. One lawmaker said the glitch could cost the government 7bil in revenue over the life of the leases and called for an investigation to see if the unexplained change in lease language might have been deliberate. This is a side news story and i bet it will remain so.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


The more laws we make reverses civilization; there is no way everyone can agree to all our laws. Every year that goes by seperates more and more people, it is possible that politicians do walk backwards to work.

Oh, by the way, does anyone remember when a p-p-pathetic by-plane entered Washington D.C. and everyone there (were ordered to) ran like sissies. where the hell are the people with Marbles on the east coast, Oh, yeah, the ghettos. Maybe they should catch up on some John Wayne. Shame on you, Bush. I guaran-fucin-tee you that I'd have looked out my window, sniffed, smelled, and spit on the first person I saw running. The terrorists won (in the media atleast), We're scared.

Rove might not be immune from the law, (it might take another two or ten years to find out under Bush & Co.), but if I had leaked a CIA officer's identity, where do you think I would be? That's right, a much worse place than some douche-ass-fuck that informs 57 millions people would end up. A recent "poll" says that most Americans aren't interested in the Rove story. Ummm, well that may be because it started in early 2003.

Indeed, I wonder, will he win an award? Medal of confidence of America. Or fuck the real Americans, they don't need to know shit,... sorry, that last one goes to, Duda Duntada-da... George W Bush...
Bush gave George Tenet the Medal of Freedom after we all learned that we were going into a war that was based on false premises.

Bush complained that Kerry set a bill a while back that would cut intelligence funding. Congressman Porter Goss cosponsored a bill cutting intelligence personnel. Did Bush chastise him? No. He made him head of the CIA.

Isn't the elder Bush and Clinton relationship enlightening? Clinton replaced incumbent Bush: probably didn't care for each other too much back then. But life brought these two together in a common cause. Humanity is not partisan. Sickness, death, genocide, and disasters are not a Republican nor a Democratic issue. It is a societal issue. doG bless Melinda, Bill, Bono, and Buffet, too.

But, as long as we are arresting everybody

Friday, June 24, 2005


Who'du known? No WMD. But did I tell you. The terrorists, huh, huh, huh, they weren't? Oh. We brought them. Hmm? We gotta give them a taste of freedom, Heeeyyy.

it speaks for itself:
Jessica Lynch: "I just ducked and cried as they shot at us." way to go soldier. ofcourse she deserves to publish a book. she's an American. Definetely not a hero, though. the people that dragged her from the hospital and the stool-pigeon are, to her, atleast.

it is unethical to try Lyndie England without knowing what her superiors instructed her to do, ho yah? do yah? Why did they change their interrogation handbook afterwards, huh, huh,huh?...

We brought the insurgents to Iraq
We picked the scab
The Iraq war is different than the war on terror because it is global, not central.
What Bush told us before the war is not why we are fighting...

It is up to the people to set up a republican style gov't. Not a foriegn legion. These people are different from us. Maybe this is the right style of gov't, but it is up to them to decide. SoDamn was not fit to rule anyone but his socialist type of people, but we could have planned and covertly executed and just have done it much neater. I know that could be hard, but look how hard it is now. We could have used more intelligence and less loss of human life. I have love for my America, and my American Army, but I think our America needs definite improvements and I don't believe the soldiers are fighting for my freedom. They might be making me less secure; only the future will tell...

More Iraqis die in a month than U.S. soldiers die in a year, (might be 3 years, I'll have to check back on that one). Talk about securing Iraqi freedom. Ofcourse, chaos of not having a gov't started it, and then we put in demo, and it's still chaos. Maybe we can rewrite that idyium or whatever the fuck it is...

They complain that we kill women and children while they hide behind them after they shoot at our troops. They encourage it and wail over the funerals. They are without merit, they are ruthless...

The iraq war is a fucking mess. They aren't fighting for my freedom. We are creating more terrorists and this war has been going on for many, many centuries. And it is about religion.

It isn't feasable to me morally to understand how i can get arrested for getting mad and punch my neighbor but the gov't can wage war and kill people including civilians. I thought the gov't worked for me. Land of the mummed.
Clinton apoligized for his infedelity. Bush never apoligized for getting us into an unjust war murdering us and them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

why the news sucks

-Tired of hearing that the youth is corrupted by preferring Jon Stewart because...
the other age groups watch him,
politicians go on his show,
Jon Stewart & Co. are not youths,
The show makes fun of how (truth) the world and how this country works.

-Whenever somebody does a special, and thinks it's original, it isn't. The same shit happens year after year after year and ya'll keep repeating, I mean, reporting it. There are like 13 news channels I can watch on Tv, and within a month I will see the same 12 stories within 3 weeks. That is more than one channel per story. Then the newspaper repeats it with less info the next day. They'll have a story about a break-in robbery murder and not tell us where,what,or who; but ask us if we have any info to please call. I thought we paid the Po Po to do crimework, not vis-a-vis.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Confucius never said

-Never, under any circumstances, take sleeping pills and a laxative on the same night.
-You need only two tools, WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40.
If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape.
-If he/she says that you are too good for him/her, believe that you are.

Voltaire: "those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

(i think it's Descartes), All ye who enters here abandone all hope.

(i think it's buck langley: i know he has a partner named COCOA BEAN or the like, isn't that so funny? anyway to the quote or almost quote: A man does not wander because he is looking for a rainbow. He does so because there is nothing to hold him in place.

Nietzche (75 aphorisms...):
326-" Don't touch! There are terrible people, who instead of solving a problem, bungle it and make it more difficult for all to come after. Whoever can't hit the nail on the head should, please, not try to hit the head!!!
Ni35zche...(dying for th4 "truth"): We should not let ourselves be burnt for our opinions. We are not that sure of them, but for we are not that sure of them. But for this; that we may and have changed are opinions.

nietzche: "dying for the truth" We should not allow ourselves be burnt for our opinions: we are not that sure of them. But, perhaps for this: that we may have and change our opinions.

Robin Williams, (in some movie), Politicians should be changed often, like diapers, they get shitty.

Orson Wells: "In times of deceit, telling the truth will be revolutionary."

Scott Dilbert: "Reporters are faced with the daily choice of painstakingly researching stories or reporting whatever people tell them. Both approaches pay the same." "In the future, the most important career skill will be lack of ethics."

Voltaire: "The vegetables by their death sustain the animals, and animal bodies dissolved enrich the earth, and raise again the vegetables. Tout est bien.

-Perhaps, it is not for us to know what goes on inside the heart of others, and, lacking that wisdom, we can only judge their actions... from the Buck and Coco series.

-Martin Luther-
Posted the sign and was told to recant: "I neither can nor will recant anything, since it is neither right nor safe to act against conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other."

If noone responds to your call, walk alone, WALK ALONE! My battlefield is in the minds and hearts of men.

You help people because of who you are, not because of who they are.

Everything has a course, nothing is a miracle.

Be like gumby, flexible.

(?)- a plain unlettered man, and not aquainted with anything but what is natural and common.

-G H Joyce-
Pain is the great stimulant to action. Man no less than animal is impelled to work by the sense of hunger...Man must earn his bread. (Man not contented in suffering) rise to the height of heroism...If it weren't for these trials, man would think little of further existence.

-W D Niven-
Hardship is a stern but fecund parent of invention.

-JFK-on communism-
Those that ride on the back of the tiger will soon find themselves in its mouth.

-Thomas Paine-
The time hath found us...

"I, John Brown, am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood."

Kenji Miyazawa- "We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."

-Abraham Flexner- "Nations have recently been led to borrow billions for war; no nation has ever borrowed largely for education. Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both."

Bertrand Russell - "And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence."

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Isn't a tree a living creation made by God, and when we chop it down, doesn't it bleed, (sap), doesn't it die? I am willing to bet that Cardinals and even the Pope writes on paper. Aren't animals creations of God also? I mean, I don't profess to be a bible expert, but I'm pretty sure that the Bible says that God created animals too. But, don't we do thousands of experiments on animals that we won't do on humans because they are inhumane? But we eat animals and plants. For what reason? Well, in order to survive, silly. Exactly why we are doing stem cell research. ...

Religion should have an Absolute say in who gets married. Those factions that oppose gays should be able to shun, and those few that embrace should let the gays marry. Marriage is a religious idea, afterall, but, they don't agree. Good for them Welcome to the world of Christianity isn't the only religion.
But then the gov't has to allow them to adopt, and a man and a man can't make a baby, so why should we let them take care of a child? Because you, the Gov't made it that way. Raising a child is no longer a family thing, sacrid, or private. It is now everyone's business. And as long as you nose your ass into other's business and make us pay taxes on shit we give no fuck about, we will continue to disrupt the political process...

I'm not religious, but: the pope was vindicated in his speech that was deemed harsh to muslims. They did commit violence due to religious "intolerance". They did burn christian churches, did kill a nun. Their book says that they will not rest until Islam takes over the world. Iran says to protest, to target. They do this because their book says to and their leaders insist to. They criticize the pope for mentioning that they will make conversions "by the sword". Muhammed said to. A road to Bagdhad has an iconic symbol to this. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei-"Those who benefit from the pope's comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests." Shura council member says, "You infidels and despots, we will continue our jihad and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism, when God's rule is established governing all people and nations." Good for you Pope, for not apoligizing for what you said but for misinterpretation and ignorance. Is ignorance bliss here, anybody?

Humans need to evolve past religious belief in order to further civilization. I'm not mocking all of its morals but its stories. I no longer believe monsters are under my bed because I grew up. Slavery and war don't have to be a part of life. Morals are still questioned no matter what a book says. when did God create dinosaurs, After humans? how did sea life survive the flood? I wish I could walk on water. Yeshua bin Yosef.

Pat Robinson is Senial: I used to thinks he was just a Religinut, until I found that i agreed with him on 2 of 299 points. He is so on the verge of the last light that he might have died about the time i have pushed Enter...
Robertson calls for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. WWJD?

Monday, May 30, 2005

on this memorial day,

I will not remember any army protecting my freedom. Don't get me wrong, for I am not old enough to remember the World Wars. But the Vietnam didn't save my freedom, Kosovo, Balkan, Iraq, come on people, it isn't about our freedom anymore. It's about the gov't's freedom to do as they choose. and they do as they choose, do they not? Our leaders are working on freedom for others while we cannot get it straight here. We have so many internal problems, (free trade, abortion, guns, border, how to elect certain officials, drugs & drugs, kids shooting kids & adults killing and fucking children......), but we're willing to kill our own and murder lots of innocents in order to outsource our perfect republic. OOPS! I'm sorry, I meant democracy, i mean police state, like the one that makes you where a seat belt, but no need for a helmut on a motorcycle, or a parachute on an airplane. Or where they finally crack down on Enron's high-mucketies but the Fat Cats of the greatest military had no idea what kind of interrogation efforts were being used by their Scapegoats, i mean soldiers. And many of these soldiers think they have the right to tell us non-murdering-citizens how to treat our gov't,(read the paper), but the Gov't is Supposed to be under WE THE PEOPLE'S control. Perhaps the Shot Callers don't read history books. Remember when Hitler forgot to read that Napolean got his ass kicked in Russia because of their sly tactics and elicit weather,and then Hitler got the same hand dealt. I hope the lessons make thier way known here in America in my lifetime. I've got answers, although all I'll probably say is Ha Ha...

Monday, May 23, 2005

Dumbya BUSH

*quote from USA today- "Bush has threatened a veto, (on stem cell research), saying he will not use taxpayer money to 'promote science which destroys life in order to save life'."
Oh, OK. But you will start a war that murders people in order to (manipulate) preserve American life. Mine eyes can see the folly of the Bush's White House...

Did everyone in this country forget that Dick, Bush, and Colon lied about the Iraqis, and that they don't have WMD's, that there were no insurgents until we arrived, that they financed al-Q as little as the United States Of America did, that many other countries that we are sycophantic to helps terrorism much more, oh yeah there is a war in Afghanistan on terrorism, and that we have the best war "machine" in the world an' that we could run all over the world and pick people off like ticks.

Bush: "You can run, but you can't hide." He said this to Kerry during the campaign. He also said this to Osama 'fore the war in Afghanistan. Yah, where is he then George? I suspect he has said this to Laura. He has also said, "Well, he isn't leading any parades. He's hiding." Well, no shit he's hiding. And they're having parades in bin Laden's honor nearly everyday.

"See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction." GwB Oct. 3, 2003. oh yeah, what about nuclear weapons, read history books, dumbass; and recollect your tenure. Holy fuck, i can't believe he is sooo dumb...

Do you think it would be so hard to get a president in office that could answer a question that he didn't know about beforehand? Isn't the president supposed to be exceptional? Before Tony Blair got re-elected he sat in front of about 40 people and TV cameras and they laid into him, gave'm a good rogerin'. And he was articulate. His opponents went through the same thing. Bob Dylan could handle an interview better than Bush.

Bush surprised at seeing Iraqi citizens, who ought to be grateful beneficiaries of the our occuliberation, demonstrating in support of Hezbollah. Well, at least he acknowledges it-that's unBushlike. Why would they oppose us? Could it be that over 3k civilian deaths in one month mean what we are doing there is not working?
Bush: "What's very interesting about the violence in Lebanon and the violence in Iraq and the violence in Gaza is this: These are all groups of terrorists who are trying to stop the advance of democracy." Bush sure doesn't choose his words very wisely. He has to know that Hezbollah and Hamas both participate in democratically elected governments. The U.S. backed president of Iraq, Talabani (nice name by the way, Talaban I), can't keep his own party from denouncing and slaughtering-al-Sadr. Talabani has also praised Hezbollah and denounced Isreal.
Democracy doesn't seem to be the medicine to cure terrorism. I'm sure Bush will never get that. Will we get new leadership in '08 that will think outside that box? Always being steadfast in your interests is not a good quality in a president. Some things you need to be stuborn with, but seeing the chaos you caused, you need to be like Gumby. This mess is going to last until it is someone else's problem. I hope we still hold GWB accountable. The last election forced Bush to recognize something has to change and he admitted to some past mistakes, (i.e. Iraq/Sept.11; no WMDs).

The Repubs chastised and insisted Kerry apoligize to the troops for his comment on education and direction. They misconstrued his words and recontexed his words to make him look like he was insulting them while he himself is a veteran. Then the candidate with no backbone did apoligize.
Where was this outcry when Bush made a video of himself looking in the oval office for WMDs?
Nowhere but Keith Olberman's office it seems...


Ann Coulter- I cannot believe that not every human being on this planet cannot agree that this bitch is RETARDED.
Anybody read that Coulter is refusing to cooperate in an investigation of whether she voted in the wrong precinct. The article states that knowingly voting in the wrong precinct is a felony punishable by up to five years. I wonder if she'll get off on a technicallity, the one where she's brainwashed and stupid and she really didn't know where her precinct was. Maybe it moved, maybe she moved and forgot.


when you shoot your sister, on accident, you still must be punished for the future of us all. for example, your career is now going around the country talking about gun safety to school kids.

And when you take your 8 yr old hunting, and give him a gun, and then he shoots you, say to yourself, " I deserved that for being stupid." Here's your sign.

why is marijuana illegal? why are all these pills that companies make, that we don't know the ingredients to, that kill people, that people abuse, that make people rich and greedy, that isn't natural, has to be manufactured and regulated, legal? We can't just stick with nature. We are lazy and unintuitive. We need society to make up jobs for us and we keep their pockets full by complying. Why waste a bunch of smart people's time by trying to find a cure for symptoms that nature has had all along.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

sick bird-my opinion

* Should the police be allowed to break the law?
I mean, should they be allowed to sell you pot just to arrest. Can they pose as hookers, entice you to race them in their undercover cars...
It seems to me that they aren't progressing on anything but the creation of crime.

* Seatbelts should not be required by law.
Rape victims should be allowed to abort a child.
Littering the Earth is illegal for citizens, however, NASA is allowed to litter space.

*I think it's about time that we hire someone to follow around our mayors and such. They could have it done to us, with our lowly jobs. Some of us elected him but most don't trust him. If he does something illegal, it is usually significant, but this elected official has the easiest time getting off saying that what he did was wrong but not criminal. Legalize pot and i'll think about not serving your head mayor Howard. dick.

*With so much disregard for human life in this world, I can't believe people question the good intentions of stem cell research. Now what scientists want is the right to use eggs from fertility clinics that would otherwise be discarded! Why have i not heard of this before!? So, these clinics have been discarding life for so long and i don't hear about it until the enlightened bunch (scientists), want to do the same as society-discard human life. And here we let the Koreans run away with something important as this is and they now have the right to brag. Not that the Koreans couldn't beat us with our gov't involved, but we didn't really get a chance.
Bush is a religious fool; he hates science. There is no way he can fathom science, so he believes it to be untrue and unethical.
Don't understand me incorrectly, however, I don't believe it is the government's job to fund this, but there are many things the gov't is involved in that I'm against, so funding this would please me. I think science should take care of it's own but the gov't always buts in because it is the gov't, so I think they should back our brightest ideas, i mean, it is the reason we youngin's listen to you foggies and go to school and have aspirations.
Come on, abortion is legal.

do you take drug tests? Atheletes in school have to. Matheletes don't. Some gas station attendents, floor sweepers at CAT, watch fixers have to. What about teachers, journalists, pigs (oh i mean police officers), judges, presidents of say oh the U.S.? no. how is it that the people that have to deal with life's problems without money are expected not to smoke pot when those that have beat life's problems have no problem getting away with it?

Friday, May 13, 2005


try listening to an older cd while drinking, skip skip too f f f far awwwwway tttt far hhhhold...
I don't know whether i want to punt the computer, snap the cd (that's why i have no more PS2 games), or punch whatever is next to me for 20 secs. they say technology progresses, well, they can slob on nob with cds because tapes lasted so much longer, you could put them on the table without worrying about t t the m mo mo mother mother mo worrying abou mother mother with w without (slap) worrying about the motherfuckers skipping. a good thing, however, about cds is that you can steal the holy f-n rich artists songs and copy them to cd with ease.

Bush wants to land us on the moon again. Must i explain why that is not progression? i shunt. maybe he's a conspiracy theorist.

the new cars with the hybrids, the half-half, hydrogen, and the likes, they are a good idea to me. we just have to keep the gov't from making all that shit just as expensive. look, the 5oo horsepower Mustangs and such won't phase out in our lifetime and I'm not advocating that they should (what would i drive) but getting more mileage while making this world less polluted and our country less dependant on manipulative, dependant countries is, oh how should i say uh, SMART. ..

ah, yes, technology, I just spent 8 hours trying to get a political cartoon off the internet and it was one that was in the papers. I swear the world would be better simpliar.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Peoria Citizen's Forum

-Pastor K from Washington writes into J.S.'s forum: "While I was sad to see the J.S. pushing the homosexual agenda and corresponding legislation, I am mostly angry at Satan for working such a great deception upon our elected officials. I fear we have tested the limits of an almighty God, and in the end we'll wish we hadn't. Repentance and forgiveness are still free in Christ and just a prayer away.
"Why is this guy getting mad at a comic book character, daddy? is what my 5 year old daughter asked me? Good question. Didn't the Bible warn this douchebag about Mephistopheles? at least he gathered something about the devil...
= Human ends come by human means. Satan didn't work shit. Humans are the ones poking asses and humping oscillating sticks, not Satan. Complaining about Satan is the equivalent of saying; SHIT HAPPENS! pray to humans, they are the able. Failures dream of time machines. The heartfelt think of the future. The "Christ" is dead, nothing is free in him. Get off your knees children, humans have muscles. They don't always work, but prayers Never work.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Freedom is next to impossible to accomplish. Then, holy shit, you did it! Your dead.
Conflict is a part of human nature.
There will never be peace.
Mother Nature and Earth are both our friend and enemy.
If we can live to the end of the planet's time, are we smart enough to outlive it?
I want to leave this planet now and escape the hate.

Imaginary debate
Moderator: Senator Kerry, what time is it?
Kerry: 9:15 Eastern Daylight time.
Moderator: Mr. President, your response?
Bush: There, you see? That's what I'm talking about. The flip-flop. He's inconsistant. He mixes messages. Earlier in this debate, he gave a completely different answer to a similar question. An hour from now, he'll no doubt give another answer. Ask him what time it is in Iraq, Afghanistan or North Korea, and he'll give you a different answer to each one. What kind of message is that for our troops out in the field? Ask me the time and I'll give you the exact same answer every time, no mixed message.
Moderator: Senator Kerry, your retort?
Kerry: It is 9:17, and we are all much dumber after hearing that.

Dumbest blog I've seen thus far: I'm an intern in New York
Favorite beer: Killian's Irish Red
Many complaints about why the young'ins watch him, but oldsters watch Jon Stewart too. Why? Because he's good intertainment. Then, you watch because it's hilarious. And finally, you realize it's true shit that he's joking around about and it makes you think that much more.
Immagrants think America is "cool", until they stay here a while. Then they find out that they have to work their ass off to get what they heard about-have to.
It is of my opinion that these citizens rock: Conan O'brien, Bill Clinton, David Chapelle...

It would be easier to get Middle Easterners to see Eye to Eye if it wasn't the Americans doing the mediating.

Richard Clark - Genius - until he resigns (under pressure) now misleading us to sell a book. Come on, like now he's not for America...

Crusades- Holy Jihad - Holy Shit - no coincedence!

boycotting McDonald's won't make a difference, because you've got to take care of your own.

Bush puts the shade on science once again with negativity on stem cell research.

Is it considered peace when i want to kill everyone who wants to kill people for their terrorist-like views. And then is it crazier that i want people to be tortured for killing someone in a rage such as arguing with them about borrowing their own car? Am i bad for allowing rape victims to get the morning after pill,but not any ole college student?...

why was there a flu innoculation shortage in 04 in america? because we rely too much on foriegn companies. help from someone else, it's the american way.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Cuba mounted a billboard emblazoned with photos of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners and a swastika overlaid with a "Made in USA" stamp. The billboard faces the U.S. Interest Section's offices. At this office site, there apparently was Christmas decorations including a reference to the 75 dissidents jailed by Castro's government.
Colin Powell: the (U.S.) sign was to show "solidarity with people who are being held and intimidated and whose rights are being denied by the Cuban government... And the Cuban government's response is the world a swastika?... Not wise."
In both counts, the Cubans are doing just what we are doing. We deny the Iraqi's rights and throw them in prison for being against our government. They did the same. America complains about their actions. They did the same. The biggest difference would be that we don't have pictures of them making their prisoners jerk off.

Bush:wrong;war. Newsweek:wrong;riot
The Bush administration is promising a full investigation into Saddam's tabloid picture leak.
Right, just like the Italian agent shooting and Abu Grahyeb, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq's WMD investigations in which no one agreed to the outcomes? Who is to trust the U.S. anymore? Oh yeah, sycophantic Britain.

the effort against piracy

Bush is outraged with China's rampant piracy. There are officials in many countries set out to seek and destroy these cd's, dvd's, and computer programs. Bush says he will not be satisfied until the violators get stiff prison sentences.
I ask, where is this same tenacity when it comes to many other inequalities? How about American jobs or health and retirement benefits?
When I borrow a neighbor's tool, do I owe Sears? This is what happens when there is a huge rift between the Fat Cats and Starving Rats.
How about making the artist's cd's cheaper so I don't feel so bad when I put the two songs I like on a conglomerated(blank) cd and throw the artist's away.

Sonny Bono's widow defends that it is the small groups that are feeling the hurt of piracy, after being questioned about the filthy richness of the bands bitching. However, experience reveals that the small bands put themselves onto P2P for exposure while pissing the pupils looking for legit songs and only getting shitty "covers".
The pupils can't complain because they aren't paying,( for the 4th or 9th time for the same shit they had before) and the puny bands probably don't bitch, but it's the rich m'f'ers trying to be moral and lawyers trying to convince them to give them a job.
Didn't the same thing happen when telephones replaced the telegraph?

Monday, January 17, 2005


"I think what we need to do is convince people who live in the lands they live in to build the nations."
Now, if only we could convince him of this.

..."the mission of the U.S. military will be to be prepared and ready to fight and win war. And therefore prevent war from happening in the first place." Rumsfield-"We go to war with the military we have, not one we wish we had."
First, Bush and Rummy contradict each other. Second, you can't prevent war during war.

If I'm not with Bush, am I a terrorist?

"A political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief."
This is Bush talking about Kerry, not about himself.


I would just like to comment on the fact that the search for WMD's is over. But still, based on what we know today, the president would have taken the same action to invade because this is about protecting the American people, so says Press Secretary Scott McClellan.
Protect us from what? Wasn't this the primary justification for preemptively striking and declaring war on them?
The vote in November favoring Bush doesn't mean we are going to stop asking why. I still want some kind of explanation of what we are doing there now and how it is different. People are dying for this cause, whatever it may be now, and that's a good enough reason. We still have the rest of the world judging us. The world looks for us to be moral. In the future, how we dealt with Iraq will be put in perspective. (Baseball players don't vote themselves into the Hall of Fame).

The search has cost millions of dollars, plus lives. I'm at least glad the search is over, for those reasons.