Saturday, December 17, 2011

Illinois Taxing

His lawyers are asking for him to be put in drug program. Never has it been mentioned that he had a drug problem. Methinks he is still trying to abuse the system.

The government in Illinois raised business taxes. Now they are figuring out how to keep the big businesses in the state. Ofcourse they are giving tax breaks to the big businesses that don't need breaks, and the small businesses that are struggling keep struggling while watching the big dogs get their breaks...

East Peoria
I don't get why taxpayers pay tax$ to businesses just to pay later and pay them again to get thier products..
why would you choose to pay $ to a business to choose your town and then pay a tax to buy their products? You are dumber than dumb East Peoria.

Project 2011
...has turned into Project 2013. no shit change the ledgerheads.

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