Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Perpetual Campaigning

Romney v Obama
Romney insists that Obama should've been a governor before having been President. Good news is that the People elect the President. Not some clueless jackass .
We the people not we the few

Insist to differ
This is the only part of Campaigning that I enjoy now that the candidates don't care to talk about the real issues. Mark Halperin of TIME says that the Political Gaffe shouldn't be talked about.with these gaffe examples i would guarantee the American people want to know about it

Enough Already
Campaign season is way to long. Especially for incumbants. Do your job and we will vote for you if you did a good job. Take a little time to tell us what you will do in the future and get back to work. The campaign seems to hinge more on how much money the candidate has raised and less upon the substance of issues. In turn it seems that the candidate with the most money raised wins. Hmmm, fishy.

Electoral College
Every vote that the public makes should count and whoever wins a state should not get all of the state's votes. I've read that if we eliminate the E.C. that candidates would only campaign in big cities. Well, we have TV and internet now. And if candidates don't want the rural vote then that is up to them.

A Candidate or Politician Should
-Write his own speeches.
-explain why he is there and what he will do there
-Stop holding fake town hall meetings packed with their own supporters with their own questions.
-a voter makes a poor choice if he is put off by a Gore sigh or a Dean Hooooyah! Somehow I think the media is wrong about this. I dont think we are that stupid.
-fuck the pollsters, and the studies, and the demographics. Just go everywhere and give us your ideas and give your speech and answer your questions.
-stand on the issues and good policy, stop worrying about whether everything you do will you re-elected. If you are doing what's right then you should get the votes. 

Pollster-Consultant Industrial Complex

Super PACs
You really can't do anything about Super PACs. It's a freedom we Americans enjoy. We could ignore them though.

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