-can't sue when an officer makes a descretionary call. ( it is all descrecionary, that is how they get away with everything) a law should be a law. Illegal to videotape cops, but not illegal to be videotaped by them and then the evidence destroyed. In Illinois Quinn vetoed FOIA to protect cops records. But my face is in the papers and my record is always used against me in court. what happened to the balance of power, people? I can be fired from one infraction at Caterpillar but a cop can be protected by his protective brethren and usually gets paid for all the while they were making their "decision".
-going to Africa and opening up a girl's school is such a good idea because, Obviously, what the boys are being taught is benevolent to them and their country. It's their only male childs left behind program.
-Our nation is in the dumps, but hey! lets give billions to Afghanistan. They can't account for it and neither can we. fuck it! Let's prosecute Skid Row instead. Where does this tax money go? we don't know where Our money went nor do auditors, (why do we have them again?), and the countries (Iraq too) are still pretty shitty huh?
-Illinois Supreme Court says it is constitutional to punish underage drinkers by taking away their driver's license, even when the offense has no connection to driving.
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