Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Craven Declaration

     We the sheeple,
trust that our government is smarter than us and has our best interests in mind. We will keep the faith that you will not be tempted with power and you will always consider who is ultimately your boss. We know that you are smart so we won't try to pry when you fight other governments, take away our liberties, keep information from us, keep your intentions esoteric, undermine science, and defer analyzation & debate without our consent.
                                                                                     Very truly yours,
                                                                                      the Sycophants

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kleptocracy and the Tax Robber Barons

let us keep alot of our federal taxes and  Congress won't have to worry about deciding who gets earmarks. County government would do that. It's much closer and easier to hold accountable.
Do we really think that since some Tea Party candidates got elected there will be no more pork?
In the last days of this congressional session the Senate is pushing for 1.27 trillion in earmarks.
Egregious waste of money at Census Bureau.
You will be receiving a Census in the mail.
Don't forget to fill out your Census.
Don't forget to fill out your Census.
Did you fill out your Census?
Thank you for your information.
So many commercials and posters everywhere. Even a Dora the Explorer campaign!!!!!!?

we need to fund everyone's education for shit that is getting sent overseas.
Are we better off then we were a generation ago

Saturday, October 23, 2010

societal woes

society has taken from My Generation. It is sick that I hear from my fellow 30 year olds complaints that they have to go back to school. Too many of us HAVE to go back to school to better a job that they allready have or get a better paying job totally unrelated. Whatever happened to experience? That piece of paper has gotten too expensive. Society has failed us. We thought that the greatest country in the world would progress, make things and life easier to do, but instead we crawl back to third world where the dominant few that has had old world family treasures insure a life of Ignorance is Bliss. We are all suddenley all owing this place and that.
The jobs that don't need a degree are overseas now.

Our Health
Happy meal doesn't decompose. not good

72,000 stimulus payments went to dead people

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

what i did

I'm married to knowledge at the expense of sociability. Bettering myself for the betterment of future generations. Enduring toil instead of a comfortable life with a better life with another half with seeds sewn: with a life completed with a wife and kids. The worth can only be found in the end. Is it ever enough? Can it be found?  Have i found it already?
To witness the fruits of my labor to correct social ineptitudes.
These are my goals, my plans, this is what i've set out to do. to attain. On this alter, I have sacrificed everything I might have been. With you, my babe, I try to obtain my goals, now...

Monday, September 20, 2010


Umm, so when are Christians allowed to kill, when America is at war. When we are in conflict with another religion? When a country doesn't bother us but thier leader had beef with my dad and i want revenge so i'm gonna make up some shit that is fugging stupid but my constituents are stupid so it just might work?
Do Not Support An Unjust War.
al-qaeda suspect "We love death more than you love life."
John 2:15; even Jesus used violence.
Romans:13; 1to3: says that Hitler was appointed by God and slavery and abolitionists were un-Christian-like.
Anti-muslim images are free speech, so what ARE hate crimes?

Government funding of poverty programs ran by religious organizations are unconstitutional.
   Bush administration bypassed (no religion) clause in the constitution by giving us "faith based initiatives". So now we are taxed to fund religions.
   9-11 was a faith based initiative against the U.S.

Pope Infallabillity
there is a sex scandal in Wisconsin that the Pope is trying to put down. The bishop was not prosecuted.

Hutaree christian militia.
Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligeince, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidlines. _ Bertrand Russell

We the poor

Are who suffers from a poor dollar or a recession. When the rich save a dollar we still hurt. When they spend a dollar other rich people benefit. They buy jets and yachts. We the poor don't make jets or yachts.

Gamer makes a cool half-million by selling virtual property - Video Games Blog Plugged In - Yahoo! Games*

Monday, September 13, 2010

it's illegal to film police?

We should always be allowed to film police. They film us. And they put on a show called "COPS". And they edit it and want us to believe that this is the way they act. Remember power breeds dictatorships.

This country's secrecy is getting out of hand. Too much for too little.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


-can't sue when an officer makes a descretionary call. ( it is all descrecionary, that is how they get away with everything) a law should be a law. Illegal to videotape cops, but not illegal to be videotaped by them and then the evidence destroyed. In Illinois Quinn vetoed FOIA to protect cops records. But my face is in the papers and my record is always used against me in court. what happened to the balance of power, people? I can be fired from one infraction at Caterpillar but a cop can be protected by his protective brethren and usually gets paid for all the while they were making their "decision".

-going to Africa and opening up a girl's school is such a good idea because, Obviously, what the boys are being taught is benevolent to them and their country. It's their only male childs left behind program.

-Our nation is in the dumps, but hey! lets give billions to Afghanistan. They can't account for it and neither can we. fuck it! Let's prosecute Skid Row instead. Where does this tax money go? we don't know where Our money went nor do auditors, (why do we have them again?), and the countries (Iraq too) are still pretty shitty huh?

-Illinois Supreme Court says it is constitutional to punish underage drinkers by taking away their driver's license, even when the offense has no connection to driving.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


there is a commercial of Comcast that complains of waste. I think that the Census Bureau wasted my tax dollars eggregiously.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Huckabee likens gay marriage to drug use

Mike Huckabee says that the effort to legalize gay marriage is comparable to legalizing incest, polygamy, and drug use. (Isn't he a Mormon)
Huckabee says that every interest group does not deserve to be accomadated, if their interest is outside the "ideal"."That would be like saying, well there's there are a lot of people who like to use drugs so let's go ahead and accommodate those who want to use drugs. There are some people who believe in incest, so we should accommodate them. There are people who believe in polygamy, should we accommodate them?" he said, according to a transcript of the interview.
I, myself, do not condone gay marriage, mostly because I don't want my tax dollars supporting them, and do not dispute much of his beliefs as written in this interview. However, certain views here should be slightly dissected.
Drug use is legal, and rampant. Drugs are everywhere and many if not almost all Americans legally obtain them and a lot of them get "High" off them. Many get them prescribed and are "high" on them while they serve your coffee, drive your ass to the airport, or order your legislation.
so fuck you so high moral one.
Bet his bitch ass has used drugs for something.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can I get a self-sufficient country

When we rely on China so much and they mess up a product that messes up a business it is our fault because China is a "newly" emerging country and doesn't know or care how to make products well. We shouldn't be getting so much stuff from this backasswards country. We should be making our own shit.
There was a question posed by one of my friend's teachers that is reverberating around the country: Do we as Americans have an obligation to spend money in the market and help our economy? I think that we have no more obligation to spend money in the market as the companies of this nation have to MAKE and sell products at a price that we are willing to buy at.

The Pork is Unneccessaryyy

The politician that i didn't elect is swaying my representatives vote because he got some good blow from some burned out activist from Massasnortiditess and joined a really loud group ...

can I get a cheap government from China?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well, duh!

Space Junk
For many years the space faring countries of Earth have littered space without a care. Now space is littered with shit everywhere and some of it falls to Earth and some of it may someday crash into a "project". Maybe it already has. Now we may spend billions to clean it up. Well, duh!

A classified Pentagon assessment shows about one in five
The numbers are arbitrary but the point is
Former Guantanamo detainees are joining al-Qaeda.
So Obama is now suspending the transfers of additional detainees to Yemen.
Well, fucking duh!
91 % were Yemeni.
They have a good f'ing reason to hate us if they didn't before.
If the numbers weren't arbitrary, they would have names and offenses with the charges.

Friday, January 15, 2010


ignorance is bliss?

Indifference breeds slaughters and the decline and dumbing of our civilization. Since a vast number of people don't care that genocide and ignorance go on it will continue because the perpetrators know they wont be stopped.

more religionutism

Yet another reason to stay away from the Charlatons in Christianity.
People in other countries see this babble and form opinions from it. This man takes a slave revolt, people overcoming the shackles of slavery and unfair governing, and turns it into a pact with the devil. For shame. And to boot, the slaves revolted against people who just won a revolt against their government. And after the revolt of 1804 Europe issued a trade blockade. The former slaves refused to go back to work for the sugar plantations and the country fell into chaos.
Pat Robertson is an ignorant fool that nobody should listen to. However, many do and it is our duty to defend against his blabberings.
He also comments on how they can now replace shoddy structure. Oh yah, totally worth a huge destructive fatal earthquake.
Can't help but wonder if he considers any country that revolts against Anglos and sometime thereafter has a disaster is in with the devil.

Monday, January 11, 2010

faux news

Right where she belongs, alongside Ann Coulter, and Bill O for that matter.