Thursday, November 23, 2006

ah, what's in the news today...

bombs in Shiite slum kill 161. Atleast 233 die for the day. Damn, no further comment.
-Ex Russian spy that was apparently poisoned dies. He was a critic of Russian government. Well, atleast for that bit, I'm proud to be an American.
-TV bounty hunter "Dog" Chapman is trying to weasel out of extradition to Mexico to face charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in his capture of a company heir there. Seems to me that such a man of the law should know not to nose around in other countries. Bounty hunting is illegal there. Something tells me he'll be able to get off easily.
I've been waiting for this shit for a long time now. I've watched his smug, scummy, hypocritical ass be Limbaugh like for a little while. Then it got to much for me. He's a scurve and then all of the sudden, "Jesus help me Lord", and the shit he was about, the scurve he just yesterday served are now the enemy. I've seen him be compassionant to some, (his ole' buddies), and be vehemently against most others.
This might be really controversial, but I wish there were some Marcinkos out there that would take out(capture and detaine) these smug assholes. Fucking Charlatan.
-OK, this might even be more controversial, but let me say upfront, I have nothing against a race, but...: Cosby seeks $8 from every American for slavery museum.
what was done to the slaves was horrible, and what's worse is that religion and government condoned it. But I have never owned a slave, my family that both sides came to America in the early 20th century never owned a slave. so i owe you bull-plop.
you remember the cruel breeding process that made the strongest, prettiest, best slaves. reparations, watch the NFL,MLB, and NBA. Oh, and by the way, I am an Irish, German, Cherokee American. Sorry if i offended anyone, but if i did, you didn't read this far. I don't want to talk about slavery again, but if Bill Cosby or DL Hughley want to antagonize, I say bring it on.
-I'm not sure who wrote this, but it was in the Peoria Journal Star, it could have been someone from afar or possibly Phil Luciano, (i am gaining some respect for Luciano). It is about the Foley scandal and the Repubs failure to do anything about it. I don't usually do this but this is particularly inquisitive. And, here it is...
"And now, however it happened-either because of a deliberate political decision or because the institution is so degraded that it couldn't stir itself to action, like an overstuffed aristocrat crippled by gout-we learn that the House has countenanced a congressman's sick advances toward teenagers. Well, they got the priests, now on to the politicians, just as fucking corrupt.
-allright, this is local, but i'll voice it here too. A politician has negative ads. Just like any other, because they all do. One BS puts an ad saying his opponent RS only cares about politics and not protecting children from sexual predators. Hours later, BS pulled the add, citing that he never intended the ad to go public.
I say, bullplop. Either you have no control over your campaign and you don't know how to run anything, or you can't control yourself and you are a lying sack of shit.
I hope you go to the dance and get dumped.
I thought when i got older i wouldn't hear, "I told you so." I was so wrong. Even adults say the phrase all the time. Maybe I just hear it all the time. Yeah, right.
I'd say grow up, but they are...

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