-3709 iraqis were killed in October. nuff said.
-Headline says, "Efforts in vain". It is about a curfew imposed on Baghdad residents after a surge in violence. Violence still roared.
A curfew is not effort. I thought we had been there long enough to get enlightened on the simple shit. Guess not.
-Blagojevich administration ordered to pay $510,260 in legal fees to a gaming industry for a plan to prohibit sales of sexually explicit and violent games to minors. Jackass.
-National security advisor said the conflict in Iraq had entered "a new phase" requiring changes. Bullplop. Our government changed, and that is the reason for facilitating a change in Iraq policies. Oh, and I keep reading about changing efforts to curb an impending civil war. If what is happening in Iraq is not a civil war, then my name is Howdy Doody.
-Too reliant on government. Thanks for looking ahead Alexander Hamilton. When Katrina happened we blamed the government for the aftermath. How about getting out of the way of the killer storm you were warned about. Common sense, people. Our last hope of small government took a shit on the seat and left the office. Having government tell you what to do is like the lady who wouldn't leave the area when warned the volcano was about to explode. "God will protect those that are good". And now your relatives bury you.
-no matter in truth, it's whose got the better representation. "It's gonna be hard to convict Frist, he's got such good lawyers." Way to go society.
-the Patriot Act is our emergency clause to suspend our constitutional rights in times of emergency, much like the Soviet Union's. Terror has been here forever people.
-I'm not voting for a Papa Bear.
-Senate OKs cruelty ban. Military revises interrogation rules. Admission of guilt, anybody? Have the birds picked out your eyes?
-Socrates-money, fame, power meant nothing to him. Even influence eluded him. He didn't know where his next meal would come from. "If I know anything, I teach it to them. In common with them I turn over and explore the treasures of the wise men of which have been left written in books. If we find anything good, we pick it out and we thiink it a great gain if we can be beneficial to one another." He said that democracy, if it was stupid and unjust, was as evil as stupid and cruel as tyranny. Forms were comparitively unimportant. Government, whatever form it took, should be enlightened and just.
Why, when establishment condemns you to death, should you obey and die? So many in history have defied death warrants. Damn you too, Yeshua.
When asked what to do with his body post-mortem, Socrates replied, "You may do with it what you like, provided that you do not imagine it to be me".
-In 1877, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, announced that he had discovered numerous fine, dark, straight lines on Mar's surface. He referred to them as "Canali", meaning channels. However, in translation of his reports, it became canals. Thus, his discovery acquired the implication that there were canals on Mars, structures created by intelligient beings. This sparked many a debate and made the word Martian a household name, and "proved" that Mars was habitable if not already "housing". This preluded to H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds".
-The civilian space agency is mandated by law to make full disclosure about, say, a crisis. It often balks at doing so, even to congress. It also seeks to prevent its contractors from doing so. NASA, as a bureaucracy, plays this tune to protect itself from criticism and public awareness of its mistakes, inefficiencies, and ineptitudes.
It is easy to hide the truth in the layers of bureaucracy. Ask a question and you get 30 answers; something wrong, it was his fault.
-Edward Murrow- U.S. Information Agency. At a conference discussing comunications satelites: "Space satelites will not make human communications any better. They will simply difuse it over a wider area. Communications systems have no conscience. They will transmit both filth and inspiration with equal facility. Do we really want the world, without the context of background knowledge, to see television covering the bloodlettings and buss burnings in Alabama? It may be that the history of our day will be decided by what dreams we choose to deliver. The issue, gentlemen, is not how we deliver it but what our delivery has to say."
- The Lady or the Tiger, by Frank Stockton. If you live off of fate, and have faith that God will guide you fairly, why not just judge the way the king does in this story? ( you are presented with two doors, if you are guilty, you choose the door with the tiger behind it. If you are innocent you choose the door with the lady behind it.)
-Deputy sheriff sues tazor company because of injuries he sustained from a tazor during training. It was overruled do to an acount of assholeishness.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
can't sleep
-do not walk behind me, for i may not lead. do not walk in front of me, for i may not follow.
-a journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt or a leaky tire.
-it's always darkest before dawn, that's the time to steal your neighbors newspaper.
-money is like air, it's not important unless your not getting any.
-don't be irreplaceable, if you can't be replaced, then you can't be promoted.
-don't test the depth of water with both feet.
-it may be that your purpose in life is to be a warning to others.
-it is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
-if you think nobody cares that your alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
-if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
-give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
-if you lend someone 20$ and you never see him again, then it was probably worth it.
-somedays your the bug, somedays your the windshield.
-a closed mouth gathers no feet.
-experience is something you don't get until after you need it.
-you are born naked, wet, and hungry. things get worse.
-orson wells- in times of deceit, telling the truth will be revolutionary.
-martin luther-I neither can nor will recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to set against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other.
-a journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt or a leaky tire.
-it's always darkest before dawn, that's the time to steal your neighbors newspaper.
-money is like air, it's not important unless your not getting any.
-don't be irreplaceable, if you can't be replaced, then you can't be promoted.
-don't test the depth of water with both feet.
-it may be that your purpose in life is to be a warning to others.
-it is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
-if you think nobody cares that your alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
-if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
-give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
-if you lend someone 20$ and you never see him again, then it was probably worth it.
-somedays your the bug, somedays your the windshield.
-a closed mouth gathers no feet.
-experience is something you don't get until after you need it.
-you are born naked, wet, and hungry. things get worse.
-orson wells- in times of deceit, telling the truth will be revolutionary.
-martin luther-I neither can nor will recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to set against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other.
so sorry, but it has to be instilled

how the fuck can we stop this shit? maybe if we can horrify. probably not, because the civil war pictures sure didn't. this shit makes me want to kill everyone else so i can live in peace. this is vulgar, i hope you cry...
i have had a discussion with my bro's about the ethics of war, one thinks it isn't ethical to use unmanned drones to kill the enemy. one couldn't decide because it goes way back like i'm wearing body armor and you're not, so should i be conciously able to kill you. I told them that it is not an ethics question, but a quest for survival. it's about survival. you have to put ethics aside, otherwise you are perverted. i don't care whether you are in the military or not, if this is an ethics question, then you are a horrible fuck. i don't believe my brothers are horrible fucks, but i do believe they aren't putting this topic into the proper context.
jordan is right, it is an unfair advantage, but noone is going to agree to a settling boxing match. Jon is right, where does it end. in war, the best wins, duh.
the best doesn't always mean technologically ept. the insurgents in iraq are primitave, but the strongest armed forces in the world are perplexed...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
ah, what's in the news today...
bombs in Shiite slum kill 161. Atleast 233 die for the day. Damn, no further comment.
-Ex Russian spy that was apparently poisoned dies. He was a critic of Russian government. Well, atleast for that bit, I'm proud to be an American.
-TV bounty hunter "Dog" Chapman is trying to weasel out of extradition to Mexico to face charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in his capture of a company heir there. Seems to me that such a man of the law should know not to nose around in other countries. Bounty hunting is illegal there. Something tells me he'll be able to get off easily.
I've been waiting for this shit for a long time now. I've watched his smug, scummy, hypocritical ass be Limbaugh like for a little while. Then it got to much for me. He's a scurve and then all of the sudden, "Jesus help me Lord", and the shit he was about, the scurve he just yesterday served are now the enemy. I've seen him be compassionant to some, (his ole' buddies), and be vehemently against most others.
This might be really controversial, but I wish there were some Marcinkos out there that would take out(capture and detaine) these smug assholes. Fucking Charlatan.
-OK, this might even be more controversial, but let me say upfront, I have nothing against a race, but...: Cosby seeks $8 from every American for slavery museum.
what was done to the slaves was horrible, and what's worse is that religion and government condoned it. But I have never owned a slave, my family that both sides came to America in the early 20th century never owned a slave. so i owe you bull-plop.
you remember the cruel breeding process that made the strongest, prettiest, best slaves. reparations, watch the NFL,MLB, and NBA. Oh, and by the way, I am an Irish, German, Cherokee American. Sorry if i offended anyone, but if i did, you didn't read this far. I don't want to talk about slavery again, but if Bill Cosby or DL Hughley want to antagonize, I say bring it on.
-I'm not sure who wrote this, but it was in the Peoria Journal Star, it could have been someone from afar or possibly Phil Luciano, (i am gaining some respect for Luciano). It is about the Foley scandal and the Repubs failure to do anything about it. I don't usually do this but this is particularly inquisitive. And, here it is...
"And now, however it happened-either because of a deliberate political decision or because the institution is so degraded that it couldn't stir itself to action, like an overstuffed aristocrat crippled by gout-we learn that the House has countenanced a congressman's sick advances toward teenagers. Well, they got the priests, now on to the politicians, just as fucking corrupt.
-allright, this is local, but i'll voice it here too. A politician has negative ads. Just like any other, because they all do. One BS puts an ad saying his opponent RS only cares about politics and not protecting children from sexual predators. Hours later, BS pulled the add, citing that he never intended the ad to go public.
I say, bullplop. Either you have no control over your campaign and you don't know how to run anything, or you can't control yourself and you are a lying sack of shit.
I hope you go to the dance and get dumped.
I thought when i got older i wouldn't hear, "I told you so." I was so wrong. Even adults say the phrase all the time. Maybe I just hear it all the time. Yeah, right.
I'd say grow up, but they are...
-Ex Russian spy that was apparently poisoned dies. He was a critic of Russian government. Well, atleast for that bit, I'm proud to be an American.
-TV bounty hunter "Dog" Chapman is trying to weasel out of extradition to Mexico to face charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in his capture of a company heir there. Seems to me that such a man of the law should know not to nose around in other countries. Bounty hunting is illegal there. Something tells me he'll be able to get off easily.
I've been waiting for this shit for a long time now. I've watched his smug, scummy, hypocritical ass be Limbaugh like for a little while. Then it got to much for me. He's a scurve and then all of the sudden, "Jesus help me Lord", and the shit he was about, the scurve he just yesterday served are now the enemy. I've seen him be compassionant to some, (his ole' buddies), and be vehemently against most others.
This might be really controversial, but I wish there were some Marcinkos out there that would take out(capture and detaine) these smug assholes. Fucking Charlatan.
-OK, this might even be more controversial, but let me say upfront, I have nothing against a race, but...: Cosby seeks $8 from every American for slavery museum.
what was done to the slaves was horrible, and what's worse is that religion and government condoned it. But I have never owned a slave, my family that both sides came to America in the early 20th century never owned a slave. so i owe you bull-plop.
you remember the cruel breeding process that made the strongest, prettiest, best slaves. reparations, watch the NFL,MLB, and NBA. Oh, and by the way, I am an Irish, German, Cherokee American. Sorry if i offended anyone, but if i did, you didn't read this far. I don't want to talk about slavery again, but if Bill Cosby or DL Hughley want to antagonize, I say bring it on.
-I'm not sure who wrote this, but it was in the Peoria Journal Star, it could have been someone from afar or possibly Phil Luciano, (i am gaining some respect for Luciano). It is about the Foley scandal and the Repubs failure to do anything about it. I don't usually do this but this is particularly inquisitive. And, here it is...
"And now, however it happened-either because of a deliberate political decision or because the institution is so degraded that it couldn't stir itself to action, like an overstuffed aristocrat crippled by gout-we learn that the House has countenanced a congressman's sick advances toward teenagers. Well, they got the priests, now on to the politicians, just as fucking corrupt.
-allright, this is local, but i'll voice it here too. A politician has negative ads. Just like any other, because they all do. One BS puts an ad saying his opponent RS only cares about politics and not protecting children from sexual predators. Hours later, BS pulled the add, citing that he never intended the ad to go public.
I say, bullplop. Either you have no control over your campaign and you don't know how to run anything, or you can't control yourself and you are a lying sack of shit.
I hope you go to the dance and get dumped.
I thought when i got older i wouldn't hear, "I told you so." I was so wrong. Even adults say the phrase all the time. Maybe I just hear it all the time. Yeah, right.
I'd say grow up, but they are...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Here's a twist: let candidates tell us about their politics. Mr. President do your job and be president. Let the sissy from your party from Missoura tell us what he'll do if elected. Furthermore, incumbents, let your record stand. If we like what you've done we should vote for you. Lies do not Fucking work; smear campaigns do not Fucking work. Stop saying that shit. I just want someone to be Fucking real. Sorry for so much F'n, but I am really tired of politicians standing on their soap box and spitting on us slack-jawed yokels. Debates are beneficial to us. With beneficial questions asked, that is.
the soda tax is as dumb as suing McDonalds for being fat.
Buying a Playstation 3 and selling it on E-bay right away is called scalping. This is illegal, right?
if you want to shield your kids from violent videos, tv, games, and such: don't let them watch the news...
stem cell research is the most important advancement in our lives today, and the U.S. gov't is fucking it up...
Buying a Playstation 3 and selling it on E-bay right away is called scalping. This is illegal, right?
if you want to shield your kids from violent videos, tv, games, and such: don't let them watch the news...
stem cell research is the most important advancement in our lives today, and the U.S. gov't is fucking it up...
Monday, November 13, 2006
green fat asses
The trouble with parties is that you keep narrowing the ideology to a certain when nobody agrees on that certain. They just aint gonna, we haven't evolved that perfect yet. But, to not run because your party in in presidency shows us that we are partison in our politics,(no matter how well liked). FU McCain, I have rescinded your vote, and will now vote for anyone with coccyx.
The green party in Illinois has grown enough to be a party. They needed 5% points and got 10! I'm truly jealous. I convinced my brother that not voting for the 3rd party was okay because it is like your vote didn't count if you did. Well, he gone on and did vote for that there party and made a difference. I'm not going to tell you what I did, because I did nothing...
I'll tell you what though, I'm either voting for Jon Edwards or Barrak Obama for President in 2008. If neither run, I will not vote for the leader of my life, dictator... Politicians are taught in the art of side-step...
The green party in Illinois has grown enough to be a party. They needed 5% points and got 10! I'm truly jealous. I convinced my brother that not voting for the 3rd party was okay because it is like your vote didn't count if you did. Well, he gone on and did vote for that there party and made a difference. I'm not going to tell you what I did, because I did nothing...
I'll tell you what though, I'm either voting for Jon Edwards or Barrak Obama for President in 2008. If neither run, I will not vote for the leader of my life, dictator... Politicians are taught in the art of side-step...
I don't believe they should be able to try our soldiers in the prison scandals when it is so obvious that it was gov't or at least the brass' policy to get info out of these guys. They changed the handbook afterwards; that is an admission of guilt. It would make more sense to put Rumsfield on trial.
As for soldiers being tried for killing the very people that are killing them, this is a tricky one. It is natural for an American to question the motives and results of a person dying. This is why we brag about being a better society. I mean, we don't severe Islamist's heads, we don't murder ourselves while murdering others we don't know. But, in no way should we get away from murdering anyone, an Islamic life is = to a christian life. The folk that follow Bush blindly say that neahsayers should leave the country and that their words just help the enemy. Neahsayers are merely critiquing, which leaves the armed forces stronger; are we doing all we can. "Those that don't question what we're doing are just throwing their children into the bonfire." Doesn't that sound hypocritical.?
As for soldiers being tried for killing the very people that are killing them, this is a tricky one. It is natural for an American to question the motives and results of a person dying. This is why we brag about being a better society. I mean, we don't severe Islamist's heads, we don't murder ourselves while murdering others we don't know. But, in no way should we get away from murdering anyone, an Islamic life is = to a christian life. The folk that follow Bush blindly say that neahsayers should leave the country and that their words just help the enemy. Neahsayers are merely critiquing, which leaves the armed forces stronger; are we doing all we can. "Those that don't question what we're doing are just throwing their children into the bonfire." Doesn't that sound hypocritical.?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
clean up
Clinton apoligized for his infedelity. Bush never apoligized for getting us into an unjust war murdering us and them.
Clinton passed NAFTA and people blamed him for losing American jobs. Bush passed CAFTA and silence.
When bad things happen to bad people, religionuts always have the comment, "God is telling you...". But when 4 are electrocuted at a Boy Scouts fair, and hundreds of scouts get heat sickness at the funeral, the religionuts don't say, "God is telling you...".
I think WTC's replacement should have been a huge middle finger.
America has too many problems and corruptions to cram it's ideaology down anyone's throat. And we aren't a true democracy. We are a republic, a representative democracy at best.
We are the only country to ever use a nuclear bomb on another country.
"You hear that?, (bullets buzzing), That's the sound of freedom ringing." yeah Fuck you, you haven't saved me from shit.
There is a right to privacy. Pot is illegal. So, i don't have the right to smoke pot in my own house. But, i can have an earache and get hyrocodone to soothe my pain and afterwards snort it to enjoy. I can also join the service and murder other humans because their government DIDN'T have WMDs. and the gov'r can eavesdrop on my phone.
One says, that if they legalized marijuana, we would abuse it.
One says, hey, if we legalize eavesdropping, one won't abuse it.
Clinton passed NAFTA and people blamed him for losing American jobs. Bush passed CAFTA and silence.
When bad things happen to bad people, religionuts always have the comment, "God is telling you...". But when 4 are electrocuted at a Boy Scouts fair, and hundreds of scouts get heat sickness at the funeral, the religionuts don't say, "God is telling you...".
I think WTC's replacement should have been a huge middle finger.
America has too many problems and corruptions to cram it's ideaology down anyone's throat. And we aren't a true democracy. We are a republic, a representative democracy at best.
We are the only country to ever use a nuclear bomb on another country.
"You hear that?, (bullets buzzing), That's the sound of freedom ringing." yeah Fuck you, you haven't saved me from shit.
There is a right to privacy. Pot is illegal. So, i don't have the right to smoke pot in my own house. But, i can have an earache and get hyrocodone to soothe my pain and afterwards snort it to enjoy. I can also join the service and murder other humans because their government DIDN'T have WMDs. and the gov'r can eavesdrop on my phone.
One says, that if they legalized marijuana, we would abuse it.
One says, hey, if we legalize eavesdropping, one won't abuse it.
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