Isn't a tree a living creation made by God, and when we chop it down, doesn't it bleed, (sap), doesn't it die? I am willing to bet that Cardinals and even the Pope writes on paper. Aren't animals creations of God also? I mean, I don't profess to be a bible expert, but I'm pretty sure that the Bible says that God created animals too. But, don't we do thousands of experiments on animals that we won't do on humans because they are inhumane? But we eat animals and plants. For what reason? Well, in order to survive, silly. Exactly why we are doing stem cell research. ...
Religion should have an Absolute say in who gets married. Those factions that oppose gays should be able to shun, and those few that embrace should let the gays marry. Marriage is a religious idea, afterall, but, they don't agree. Good for them Welcome to the world of Christianity isn't the only religion.
But then the gov't has to allow them to adopt, and a man and a man can't make a baby, so why should we let them take care of a child? Because you, the Gov't made it that way. Raising a child is no longer a family thing, sacrid, or private. It is now everyone's business. And as long as you nose your ass into other's business and make us pay taxes on shit we give no fuck about, we will continue to disrupt the political process...
I'm not religious, but: the pope was vindicated in his speech that was deemed harsh to muslims. They did commit violence due to religious "intolerance". They did burn christian churches, did kill a nun. Their book says that they will not rest until Islam takes over the world. Iran says to protest, to target. They do this because their book says to and their leaders insist to. They criticize the pope for mentioning that they will make conversions "by the sword". Muhammed said to. A road to Bagdhad has an iconic symbol to this. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei-"Those who benefit from the pope's comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests." Shura council member says, "You infidels and despots, we will continue our jihad and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism, when God's rule is established governing all people and nations." Good for you Pope, for not apoligizing for what you said but for misinterpretation and ignorance. Is ignorance bliss here, anybody?
Humans need to evolve past religious belief in order to further civilization. I'm not mocking all of its morals but its stories. I no longer believe monsters are under my bed because I grew up. Slavery and war don't have to be a part of life. Morals are still questioned no matter what a book says. when did God create dinosaurs, After humans? how did sea life survive the flood? I wish I could walk on water. Yeshua bin Yosef.
Pat Robinson is Senial: I used to thinks he was just a Religinut, until I found that i agreed with him on 2 of 299 points. He is so on the verge of the last light that he might have died about the time i have pushed Enter...
Robertson calls for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. WWJD?
yes, you are correct, however, i am willing to bet you eat plants. Notice the "and" in that sentence. i was speaking of humankind, and humankind eats animals "and" plants.
theres nothing wrong with having a religion, but imposing yours to others and dicatating that yours is the one true God, dismissing other religion... now thats wrong.. just my 6 centavos hehe
Marriage is a religious faction, and then the Gov't butted in and ruined it. And then there are different Religions with different ideas on marriage. So I say, the gov't should let religion work out the marriage issue...
well I think people should just respect other people, religion respect other religion,
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