Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Environment

And so this 313 mpg Volkswagen is banned in the US...why?
Why would we ban innovation? 313 mpg!!!!!? Conspiracy? Oil companies owning our government? Safety? If you look at a study of the safest value family cars only one is from an American company.//
Our country is also trying to kill Tesla. So that Oil companies can continue to murder our country. Innovation is dead in America and I cannot understand why our government wants is that way.

Why should we let them keep killing our Environment?
BP keeps spilling.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sports and Stupidity

NFL to become National Flag League
Former football players and NFL reach $765 million settlement because they forgot what career they were in. I guess if your league makes that much $ no judge is gonna give a shit where your money goes. Junior Seau kills himself so his family gets some money from his employers. I guess getting paid that much money isn't enough compensation. You play football girls, you are not in the armed forces.
Also, this story states that this settlement allows the NFL to say that it's sport doesn't cause concussions. Um, no, a settlement tells all rational people that this is exactly what you are admitting.

Pam Oliver got a concussion too reporting on the sideline. Did she get a chunk of cash...No.

College Athletes Getting Paid

AJ McCarron says that college athletes should be paid
However they are getting paid in a way. Their college is free, and tuition aint cheap. He is right in that college sports do bring in a lot of money for the colleges and that should be corrected. Maybe all the students can get free rides.
But also note, that AJ is from an Oil Tycoon family and that he is marrying a beauty queen.
Here is a picture of the rough life AJ is living through...
foxsport/he-put-a-ring-on-it-aj-mccarron-katherine-webb-engaged-032814 UNC had fake classes for it's Athletes
What a surprise.

UConn guard goes to bed do people that pay for their WHOLE scholarship...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bag has burst

Wasting Resources
A high school in Texas that built a $60 million stadium Two years ago says that they may have to demolish and rebuild parts of the stadium. Way to be Allen, Texas! Way to throw away your taxpayers money.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

big gov't

The IRS says that 318,000 federal workers owe $3.3B in back taxes
Sounds like Big Government to me.

Afghan Aid
The US has no idea how much Afghan Aid has been stolen. None of the Afghan ministries that are supposed to receive US taxpayer aid know where their money is.

figuratively, but accurate still

Big Government
Snowden calls Feinstein a hypocrite for calling out the CIA for spying on senators. He is Right! They are hypocrites. It was OK when it was revealed that the NSA was reading all of America's citizen's emails. But when the government is spying on the citizen's elected workers it is WRONG??? Hypocrite! Isn't it mandated that the Congress abide by the same rules as its citizens? Are they not supposed to get special privilages? 
It was funny when the whole NSA spying came to light and the gov't said they were doing nothing wrong. Then Chris Christie's bridgegate came out and it was obvious that even gov't officials weren't immune. And now the Senate is in an uproar...duh!

Read the book, 1984, if you think big gov't isn't  spying on you. 
The NSA is spying on you and your phone calls and emails and your social