Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Big Bro Spying


The U.S. says that in some cases its surveillance program has gone too far. Secretary of State John Kerry explicitly acknowledged overstepping by its intelligence programs. But, he says, that after 9-11 terror attacks and attacks in London and Madrid countries have to come together to fight extremism. However, he doesn't realize that spying on other countries without them knowing isn't "coming together". He tries to "assure" the world that innocent people aren't being abused in this process. I don't think German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a terrorist.

It is not believable that Obama was never briefed on all the Surveillance issues
He has a briefing room
NSA surveillance of UN headquarters
Obama orders a stop.

So, Angela Merkel is one of the terrorists we should be keeping an eye on?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Gov't Business as usual

Debt Ceiling?
It isn't a ceiling when it can constantly be raised. It should be called a debt elevator. This government is not working. It is using our gullible selve's taxes and doing whatever the hell they want with it with NO accountability. Then the taxpayers pay double because if the gov't shuts down we can no longer do for ourselves what the gov't insists on doing for us.

How do you solve the problem of inflation with more inflation?

Oklahoma's two Republican senators opposed 2011 FEMA funds and Sandy aid. Now they need funds for their tornado ravaged state.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013


For seriously?
The cop who infamously pepper sprayed protesters at UC Davis was awarded $38k in workers compensation from the university for the suffering he experienced after the incident.
UC Davis settled a lawsuit with the students awarding them $30k each.
So, in awarding both sides, I am confused on who did wrong and who was right. 

Church group members threatened with arrest for handing out biscuits and coffee to the homeless in North Carolina.

Bad Pig No Donut
The police are getting very bold in taking away our civil liberties. Now they are turning routine traffic stops into cavity searches. One guy endured even going to the hospital to get x-rays after no drugs were found then got a bill for $600. What a HUGE waste of resources and taxpayer money. They are even using drug dogs falsely. 

Ohio trooper gives murder suspects a ride home

Maryland man with Down Syndrome killed by deputies because he wouldn't leave theater