Thursday, August 30, 2012

Now, this looks like America should

Newark mayor Cory Booker honors food stamp challenge
to live on $1.40 a meal.  enough to live on?

Go ahead, arrest me for an unjust law
Man angry about marijuana arrest uses tractor to run over cop cars.
awesome retaliation

Space Program+
Red Bull Stratos
Felix Baumgartner skydives from 24 miles

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Theater of the Absurd

Candidates should put a premium on how little they spend. The better the message or idea, the more it is worth.
Hillary Hillary Hillary
 Suppressed votes are unDemocratic
Ex-Republicans say Florida GOP suppressed vote.
Rove explains Democrat victory
After Karl Rove's meltdown on Fox he op-eds the culprits of Romney's doom such as Mother Nature, editors, hotel employees, dirty tricks, and Romney himself. What gets me is why huge donors to the GOP are calling on him to explain himself or blaming him at all for them donating $300 million dollars to the losing side. Karl Rove is and always has been a Spin Doctor. That is who he is and what he does. They are the adult idiots who donated that much money.
It is time we let issues talk and money walk.
Not enough election coverage
This is why normal citizens get tired of listening and watching Election politics. Right after the election the media suggests candidates for the next elections four years from now.
Elections are money pits
Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson lost $54 million in supporting candidates. Well deserved. This may be an indication that too much money is spent on elections and it isn't the intelligence contest that it should be.
They are thrown by people who have perfected the art of making you feel a certain emotion. It is absolete - you are already sheeple. The Nazi's also held similar galas.

Presidential Debates
Gary Johnson wants to be involved. Why shouldn't he?
He was elected as his party's Presidential nominee, he should be in the Presidential Debate.
Here is why; he isn't awarded 15% of the vote of the Electoral College in the poll they do. In A Poll!!! The Electoral College doesn't vote till December so they set up a poll to keep the American Public from making progress. We NEED to become a Real Democracy.

Electoral College Needs to be Reformed
GOP tightens party control, changes delegate rules. America needs stronger Third Party.
GOP approves delegate rule changes over vocal objections

The Electoral College is so messed up that it doesn't even follow its own rules anymore.

even Al Gore says so

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


American Pride Made in China
Wow, wow. Really, this country is garbage.

Negative Press Galore. Congrats Americans
Do American journalists spoil the fun? Yes, yes you do, and you are one of the problems FoxSports.

The Olympics is Anti-War
The very gist of The Games is anti-war! Think about it. It is an army of the nations' finest atheletes flexing their mettle to see whch country is the strongest. Only, noone dies, noone is stabbed or shot. They're civilized warriors.