Friday, June 29, 2012

Space Exploration

Military building robot to recycle satellites?
Elon Musk's mission to Mars
Felix Baumgartner jumps
...jumps out of balloon from about 23 miles up. Atleast one implication of this event is to see eventually if astronauts can survive disaster in outer space.

It's good, but is it progress?
SpaceX is sending a rocket up to the ISS for a private company first. Now that two, (actually 3) companies are working together for a common goal, I just wonder if down the line the co.'s squabble about the small stuff like coupler sizes and such.
I just don't know if NASA stepped way back and now we are trying to catch up. Otherwise congratulaions to SpaceX. Keep truckin' it.

Oh, really, what have you been doing up there?
The government funded NASA has fizzled our tax dollars while private enterprise has used less money to save it and build their own machines. Meanwhile our taxpayer moolah has paid for a so far successful military space endeavour.

we won't try to survive off this planet until we have to, and then it will be too late

Pictures of Mars

Thursday, June 28, 2012

National Defense

Remember the Osprey
Stealth Jet Trashbin
$678 million dollars, 2 decades, doesn't work

War with Iran
Looks like a clandestine war with Iran is already happening. They may be attacking our banks after the US is accused of cutting electricity to Iran's nuclear efforts.
cyber attacks on US banks

World Police
Get the troops out of Okinawa

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Pekin Way

Creve Coeur Cop beats up High School teens
'Cause it's normal
German Apprentice thinks he is getting an education in street thugs and handguns in Pekin. He came here because he doesn't get that in Germany  We don't have that here brother.. You came to the wrong town.  Your education is bunk. None of these cops know shit about any of that gangster shit..German Boy thinks Pekin educates him on how to deal with gangster community

This isn't very inviting. This tells visitors and perspective citizens/businesses that this has an overwhelmed police force. Are these taxpayer funded eyesores necessary?

Hide yo kids Hide yo Wife Hide yo Husbands They rapin erbody round here!
the future of Pekin
Today in America filming Pekin. There are many omissions including Excel.
pekindaily thimes

But, atleast we aren't Peoria
The crime in Peoria is staggering. A playground for kids was torched at the Boy's and Girl's Club.
Wow! Who does this?



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fair For All?

Morning after pills to be handed out to NY highschoolers
Condoms have been handed out for years now but now we will make sure and kill off any unwanted brat growing inside us. I wonder what more prudent students get?

Millionaires pocket jobless benefits

Big Brother New York
So New York mayor has outlawed large sodas in the city. A recent rift in a NY deli between another franchise in Las Vegas joint has brought up the fact that the New York deli has a Heart Attack sandwhich that is as diabolical as it sounds. HOW is it that large sodas banned in this land of the free and heart stopping sandwhiches are fine? How does this make sense?  How????????

Bristol Palin at an L.A. bar
Bristol Palin was at an L.A. bar riding a mechanical bull and shooting her reality show when someone starts heckling her and shouting that her mom is a whore and such. Bristol confronted him and demanded to know why he thought her mom was a whore to which he had no intelligible reply. Then she caused an uproar in the media by retorting, "Is it because you are a homosexual?"
I only defend her in this situation because she is unfairly treated in it. I'm NOT a fan of the Palin's. But this man is shouting that her mom is a whore with no merit and no wherewithal to defend his comments. At least she had some merit because the guy was flaming and she knew that gays didn't see eye to eye with the Palin's. 
If you hear someone call your mother a whore then you should be able to ask that person on what grounds he came to such a conclusion. And you should be able to use the word "homosexual" in the ensuing question especially with merit. Heckler sues Palin. huffpost

White student hands back scholarship meant for blacks
Must have ran out of the For Whites Only scholarships.
Racist scholarships anyone?


Sunday, June 17, 2012

civil evil boel weevils

Jesse Jackson Jr
How how how did he even get elected?
plea deal

Cop crash
another tail of another cop above the law. There is a reason these stories don't come out of other sectors.
Mug Shot
Seriously, no one has a problem with the announcement of their loved one's death in the paper or on the internet with a picture of them in jail. No one? A victim of a crime? No one? This person was just murdered and the Journal Star showed him under his murderers in a Mug Shot as well as the kids that murdered him.

Way to not progress Peoria
No Food Trucks here
city council nixes food trucks

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Please Get These Menaces to Society Off our streets

Police Taser a blind man with Samurai Cane
The police got reports that a man was walking the streets with a sword and when the police found him they asked him to stop. Being blind he didn't know what was going on. He did not stop, so the PoPo Tazed his ass. He says he repeatedly told the police that he was blind. They probably started salivating at this. More to this story...

Man gets ran over by police, sent a bill for damaging Cop car
Tamon Robinson was caught digging up paving stones and a police chase ensued. He was struck and killed by a cop car. The car was dented and a bill was sent for the damaged police car. He's dead! He was ultimately put on automatic Death Row for stealing paving stones. Instead of an investigation of Excessive police force they sent a bill to someone they murdered.
And a cop car is equipment, something that gets used is something that wears down when used. I don't send a bill to John Deere when I mow the lawn. I especially don't bill them after I run the mower into a lake. Absolutely ridiculous.

Houston officer kills man in wheelchair
One armed, one legged man in a wheelchair shot and killed while "threatening him with a pen.
poor copper

Woman talks on cellphone while driving, Cops kick her ass
caught on camera

Woman arrested for warning drivers of Speed Trap
Police search her without consent and arrest her with bogus charge.
video and story

OK granny busted for (alledged) drug ring
marijuana isn't a crime
get this riffraff off the streets


what to do when this Earth expires

What to do when our resources run out
We have to do something sometime.
maybe someday

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Morose Place

this is Pekin


Pekin Recycle
E-waste dumping can be solved.  Televisions and computers are being dumped outside of city limits.
e waste dumping

The War Machine Will Never Stop

Millions of dollars of Aid of Taxpayer's have been wasted in Pakistan. They don't want it and the American People don't want to give it to them. We got our Target and we know Pakistan is NOT helping us. Please, American rulers, please stop giving them our money. We know that most of our enemies are harbored there. We know that you give our weapons to the Pakistani Army. Please stop. They laugh at us. While we send them our money and hi-tech shit to combat the very people they are giving our money and hi-tech shit to, they also complain of our drone attacks. That doesn't make any sense! What is this pussy war? Kill them all. Stop wasting money.

Stealth Killing America
The last Stealth boat America made was built around twenty years ago and was just auctioned off. Much Tax dollars drained and no use was ever made of it.
Now we are trying it again, with your tax money, and China is laughing at us. Fuck, we are stupid. Another "project" to see how stupid American citizens are.
Stealth tax

You are wasting it
Historic battleship USS Iowa is going to So Cal to be a Museum. Seems we Americans are making everything a museum these days. If it is too much of a hunk of metal to shoot it's guns recycle it. Everybody claims that commodities such as steel costs too much to do here in America, recycle it and put it back in service. Keep a gun if you want to put it in a museum.
keep the guns atleast