Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Candidate in your face

is she serious?  she wants to set the campaign season to never?
and why do I agree?

maybe the economy is being drained by years long presidential races.
maybe it is the money raised by local races.
I guess the money is more important than the substantial issues needed to be talked about.
that is probably because no benign message is being said, just money being raised.

Big Pig Sty

violation of constitution

Monday, July 25, 2011

Faux News 2

Hmmm. The press that is supposed to keep the elected officials in check are corrupt themselves!?

Aaaaaaand the police, ofcourse.

Here is an article from Leonard Pitts on Fox's lack of a story

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lockouts and Fat Cats

With the way the economy is and the Fat Cats in charge of sports franchises spending is OUtrageous. Lockouts are no surprise to me.

Debt Ceiling?

Inflation has a direct correalation to our Gov't's defecit. The price of everything always goes up. Now, perpetual inflation meets limited resources.

Woman sends bold message to the Gov't, buys a plane banner.

It is their business, it is their call...

what the hell is that? if there was one it wouldn't change. That is the meaning of the word ceiling.  Why make a "ceiling" if you are going to raise it 73 times? What this tells us is that the U.S. Gov't is not living within it's means and is pissing away our tax dollars.

I insist there is no such thing as a debt limit, (ceiling). Do we know what these words mean? They mean that you cannot go any higher than the set limit! The point of one is to keep our government from spending all our tax revenue. If we just raise the limit whenever our government spends too much money, then why don't we call it "Tax your dumbass' to heaven"? The government is robbing us and we are too stupid to even hold them to their word.

On another note, the Republicans are crying foul over what they used to do, again.
yes it does