Who'du known? No WMD. But did I tell you. The terrorists, huh, huh, huh, they weren't? Oh. We brought them. Hmm? We gotta give them a taste of freedom, Heeeyyy.
it speaks for itself:
Jessica Lynch: "I just ducked and cried as they shot at us." way to go soldier. ofcourse she deserves to publish a book. she's an American. Definetely not a hero, though. the people that dragged her from the hospital and the stool-pigeon are, to her, atleast.
it is unethical to try Lyndie England without knowing what her superiors instructed her to do, ho yah? do yah? Why did they change their interrogation handbook afterwards, huh, huh,huh?...
We brought the insurgents to Iraq
We picked the scab
The Iraq war is different than the war on terror because it is global, not central.
What Bush told us before the war is not why we are fighting...
It is up to the people to set up a republican style gov't. Not a foriegn legion. These people are different from us. Maybe this is the right style of gov't, but it is up to them to decide. SoDamn was not fit to rule anyone but his socialist type of people, but we could have planned and covertly executed and just have done it much neater. I know that could be hard, but look how hard it is now. We could have used more intelligence and less loss of human life. I have love for my America, and my American Army, but I think our America needs definite improvements and I don't believe the soldiers are fighting for my freedom. They might be making me less secure; only the future will tell...
More Iraqis die in a month than U.S. soldiers die in a year, (might be 3 years, I'll have to check back on that one). Talk about securing Iraqi freedom. Ofcourse, chaos of not having a gov't started it, and then we put in demo, and it's still chaos. Maybe we can rewrite that idyium or whatever the fuck it is...
They complain that we kill women and children while they hide behind them after they shoot at our troops. They encourage it and wail over the funerals. They are without merit, they are ruthless...
The iraq war is a fucking mess. They aren't fighting for my freedom. We are creating more terrorists and this war has been going on for many, many centuries. And it is about religion.
It isn't feasable to me morally to understand how i can get arrested for getting mad and punch my neighbor but the gov't can wage war and kill people including civilians. I thought the gov't worked for me. Land of the mummed.
Clinton apoligized for his infedelity. Bush never apoligized for getting us into an unjust war murdering us and them.